Chapter 13!

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haha this book wasn't updated for the entirety of March and when I noticed I thought I was going to start sobbign im so sorry im garbage pls don't sue me im stupid i cant help it; this is how i imagine nageki btw (I photoshopped this in .2 seconds sorry), the slightly longer hair is really the important part to his image but you can think of whatever snacc you want honestly

Eventually the ceremony ended and the trio now walked over to a bench outside, waiting for the reception to start. Juli and Ema were talking, going around in circles about why she could like a wedding reception and still not wanting to get married while Juli was fretting over the idea that she "adored" the chapel. Next to them, the dysfunctional duo who only came for the food was playing Chopsticks, Nageki debating heavily on his next move after already being down to one hand. That's when Natsume walked by, catching Ema's attention.

She stood, "Um earlier we were-"

"No, I should be the one apologizing for talking to you both like that." His eyes trailed to Mei, who was looking at him in recognition of addressing both of the sisters but still had her hands held out to continue playing their game. 

"No hard feelings, right Big Sis?" Mei looked at the standing girl who quickly nodded in agreement. 

"Here's my business card..since I live outside of the condo if you need me you can use the information here to contact me." As soon as he handed the card over to Ema, however, the girl gasped out of excitement.

This finally caught the younger sister's attention from her game with Nageki, the third he lost miserably. "This company makes a game I really like!"

Scratch that, Mei was no longer interested as Ema went off on her own little cloud of excitement while talking to Natsume about video games. She even muttered under her breath, "..Nerds.."

Nageki chuckled lowly as she now absentmindedly played with his fingers having gotten bored of constantly winning. 


It was finally time for the reception, which meant it didn't take long for the duo to disappear and spend too much time at the food table. In actuality there was no way anyone else could have been at the front of the line to receive a slice of the cake cut by the bride and groom, since the duo truthfully only came for the promise of good food. Mei was certain that the few pictures Ema got of the two were only of them eating assorted desserts.

"Did you get this one?" Nageki gestured to one of the half eaten pastries on his plate that the table had already run out of. Mei looked up from her own plate of sweets to inspect the pastry in question, shaking her head no with slight disappointment glistening in her eyes at the prospect that she had missed out. He took another forkful of it, "Say 'Ah'.."

Mei hesitated, looking into the man's generally neutral features, but she could sense the mischief in his grey eyes. Yet she let him feed her anyway with a shrug, trying to pretend that the blush in her face wasn't present as a smug smile landed on his features as the fork met her lips. She looked away quickly, muttering, "It's good."

"I thought so too." Neither considered the indirect kiss that resulted from the exchange, in fact neither dwelled much on any of their slightly couple like actions because they were already way too close to worry about what the other thought of them. It just so happens that Nageki was quite skilled at teasing the poor girl. 

From slightly further off, a click of a camera had resounded, Ema giggling slightly as she caught Nageki's small smile while Mei still had the fork in her mouth on camera. 'She'll probably want this picture, no matter what kind of stuff she says about him..' The girl turned to take more pictures, only to be met with the eyes of Subaru and walking off to go talk to him. Mei noticed the two leaving the venue, but shrugged it off lightly since she already had Nageki nagging her about something else he wanted her to try. 

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