Chapter 8!

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After yet another sleepless night, this one doing all of the revisions that Nageki had marked up, even Mei had to admit to the fatigue slowing her down. It also didn't help that she was now staring at a still blank career or college or whatever the hell this was sheet. She distantly remembered receiving one in homeroom the day before and meetings with guardians would be the next day, so just how the hell was she going to break it to all of these hooligans that she already had a steady paying job and honestly wasn't smart enough for college because of it?

Her practically photographic memory made memorization easy but because of that, she doesn't understand half of the facts she spews onto tests to get the good grades she upholds. Mei sunk in her seat as the day came closer to an end, considering the idea of going to bother Nageki just to take a good nap. She scrapped that idea though because if she went there too often she'd get too used to the harassment and letting him do what he wants, making her lose the last of the control she has over him. 

She decided to take a restless nap when she got home and then confront Ema with her predicament, the older sister always had good ideas. Just as the day ended however, her name was called to come to the main offices. Ema came over, "I wonder what they want from you?"

"Who knows? Maybe they'll kick me out for having a job and I won't have to wake up before noon anymore."

"Don't even joke about that! I'm heading over to the video store just in case you get back before me. I want to talk to you later about the college forms."

"Sounds good to me. See ya, big sis." With that Mei left the classroom, the only sign of her fatigue being her occasional yawn.

She entered the office and was directed to the principal's office, which didn't bode well. As she entered, she immediately took notice that there was another man there sitting in one of the chairs. They both turned to Mei and smiled, the principal gesturing for Mei to have a seat. She noticed the seal in the top corner of the papers on the principal's desk and let out a sigh. How the hell did they track her all the way here?


Mei hadn't voiced her opinion out loud and was polite during the whole meeting, but as far as she cared the Tokyo University of the Fine Arts can suck her same left toe as every other art school that wanted her to attend despite her clear disinterest in them. Tamely put, when she arrived home she was not in a good mood. And from there it only had space to get worse.

As she began to tiredly shuffle to her room, she found a lovestruck yankee knocking on her sister's door with his future planning form in his hand. "What's wrong yankee, can't make decisions on your own? Or is it an excuse to see Ema despite knowing your crush has been family zoned?"

He turned to her with his face brightly red, though he was glaring viciously as he stomped over to her. He suppressed the urge to grab the smaller girl's collar getting all up in her face. But she didn't back down, no the usually impassive Mei had been replaced by a much bolder and violent one which Yuusuke would be soon to learn. "Just what the hell is that supposed to mean, you annoying brat?!"

"You heard me." Her mismatched eyes practically drilling a hole through his head before she broke the eye contact and forcefully pushed him with her shoulder as she walked around him. She didn't waste anytime in throwing Ema's door open, wondering why her responsible older sister would ignore a knock or two. 

Her glare now settled on the boy holding the side of her sister's face, whom she recognized as Fuuto one of their brothers who was a bit younger than herself. She heard an indignant noise come from Yuusuke as he accidentally let his paper drop from his hand. She didn't spare any of the gathering malice dripping from her tone as she held eye contact with the pop star, the look making it seem like he was a bug to her, "Out."

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