Chapter 10: Realization

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Wendy opened her eyes once more to meet her doom but was greeted with her bedroom and the exact same scenario as before it all, Una was clutching her side, Valeri had a blanket wrapped around her, Xera was shoving buttery popcorn in her mouth and Wendy was sitting in the floor watching the movie. The exact same scene with the exact same teenage girl walking out of a cabin into the woods was playing on the TV. She sat there, thinking to herself about what just happened, it couldn't have been a movie because she knew about what would happen, and even in the horror movies where some people do have future sight, they usually can't see that far into the future, it couldn't have been a show because she didn't hear any credits, it couldn't have been a campfire story or she would've heard people screaming and crying in the back of her mind. There was only one possible answer left. "I'm not in a movie, I'm not in a campfire story, I'm not in a show, this isn't reality, there's only one thing it could be..." Una let go of her and whispered into Wendy's ear "Did it really take you this long?"

                     Everything around Wendy disappeared, her parents , her fictional friend, everything she ever knew and loved faded into thin air. Nothing was left but her and Una, sitting in an empty void. Her entire world view shattered before her and all she could do was sit and accept that her entire world, everything she ever knew or ever thought she knew was gone, all of that was null and void because of the fact "You're living in a book." Wendy couldn't cry, she couldn't talk, she could only sit there and accept the fact that her entire reality was nothing but a lie, that it was nothing but an illusion. Una stood up and walked in front of Wendy, she held Wendy's chin and moved it to look into her eyes. The sweet emerald eyes that once showed so much hope and love were now gone and replaced with jade spheres that screamed the phrase 'Everything you've ever known is a lie and I am not only your god but the only thing you have left in this pointless world.' Wendy's face had all hope and love drained from it. "So, now that you know the truth about this world, do you want to know a little bit about it?" Wendy does nothing, she just stares off into the endless void that surrounded her, the worst part of the experience was that everything that Una said sounded exactly like she used to, the same tone with all of the love and feeling behind her voice, the voice now sounded too syrupy sweet for Wendy to bear. Una smiles and says "Of course you do, I can tell by your face." Wendy slowly looks up at Una and asks "Why?" She fought back the tears that tried to form. Una stood up and said "I created this world for you." Wendy became furious "You made a fantasy world for me?! Just so you could shatter it?!" Una nods and Wendy continues with "Well, are you happy? Are you happy you content son of a bitch?!" Una nods again and Wendy continues to shout as loud as she can. "You created an entire world and a twelve-year-old girl just so you could torture her, you did all of that just to piss me off, you sick fuck?!" Una smiles and walks forward "I didn't make this world just to make you mad. I made this world so you could know the truth, I wanted to know how someone would react if they found out their entire world was fake, and this is the only way I could've tested it." Wendy twitches, she was about to explode with anger, her entire world was created just to see how she would respond. Wendy looked up at Una, trying not to get up and strangle her, and asks "Then what am I supposed to do?" Una shrugged and said "I don't know, if you want I can take you to my world, and tell your experience to millions of people." Wendy calmed down and said "So, I could be a writer?" Una nods and says "I guess so, hey, you could make your own world." Wendy smiles and stands up. She says "Sure, why not."

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