Chapter 4: Divide

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The girls turn face the door and their eyes widen, they back up to the walls. The door slams open to reveal Wendy's father, except it wasn't him. His eyes were black as coal with black flames licking up the sides of his eyes; black and crimson blood was streaming from his mouth and nose; a large knife was lodged into where his stomach and lower intestine should be; his teeth were as sharp as knives. The girls screamed, Xera and Valeri ran up and swung at him with their weapons, he fell to the ground with a loud thud and he let out a terrifying screech. Valeri screamed "Get him while he's down!" Xera and Valeri continue to beat him down.

                    Una turns around to see the carnage that was going on. Wendy sees what Una was about to witness and ran to Una before any permanent mental damage could be done "What are they doing to Daddy?" Wendy looks back and tries to make up an excuse "Uh, they're...uh..playing a game." Una smiles and tries to look around Wendy. Una then asks "Ooh, can I play?" Wendy moves to keep Una from seeing and replies with "Oh, no, Daddy said that only they could play, and he also said that anyone who isn't playing the game isn't allowed to see." Una nods and holds her hands over her eyes, she then says "Wait, I know what game we could play sissy, we can play hide and seek! I'll go hide and you can find me." Wendy shakes her head then Una goes running out of the room.

                   Valeri and Xera stood back up, their bodies and their weapons are covered in blood. Valeri wipes the blood off her brow and inspects the blood on her hands "I've got to go wash my hands." Valeri mentions. Xera points to the corpse and yells "Wait, something's happening!" The eyes of the corpse roll back to only show milky white sclera of his eye, the black flames in the corners of his eyes dissipated. A large mass of shadows emerges from his chest, the three girls stare at the shadow for a few moments before it floated to the ceiling and disappeared into the ceiling.

           Xera looked up to Valeri and said, slightly trembling "Well, what do we do now?" Valeri picked up her baseball bat and stated "Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm going to wash my hands then I'm hunt down that demon thing." Xera nods, she leans over and grabs her frying pan "Yeah, I'll go with you." Xera walks closer to Valeri and Valeri asks "What about you? Wanna go with us?" Wendy shakes her head, attempting to not see her father's corpse, knowing that she would scream bloody murder "Sorry, I have to go get Una, she ran off earlier and I don't want her to be out and about while that thing is around." Valeri and Xera nod. Valeri, Xera and Wendy pull their flashlights out of their pockets. Valeri looks over to Wendy and asks "How about after we go and beat the piss out of the thing we meet up in your room and we'll come up with something from there." Wendy nods.

             The three walk to the door and it slowly creaks open, Valeri and Wendy turn to face each other and nod. Valeri and Xera ran down the hallway to the bathroom and Wendy ran to the kitchen.

            Wendy pressed the button on her flashlight, it flickers a bit before it goes back to being off. She shakes it a bit and the batteries rattle inside before turning on, she shines her flashlight around the kitchen and finds absolutely nothing, she walks slowly through the kitchen before whispering out "Una! Where are you?" Wendy slowly tip-toes into the living room, she searches for Una but to no avail. She calls out for Una "Una! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Come on, sissy gives up, you win, you're too good for sissy to find you. Oh god, by now Xera and Valeri are off making out somewhere or something." Wendy looked around for a bit and found absolutely nothing, she begins to walk to the dining room but she hears a faint bit of giggling coming from the computer room.

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