Chapter 3: Preparation

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Valeri and Wendy run out of the room, screaming. Tears are streaming down Wendy's face as they ran back into her room, Xera grabs Una and drags her to Wendy's room. Xera slams the door behind her and turns around to face the two who were cowering on Wendy's bed, Una was off playing with her Lovely Lacey© doll in the small dollhouse. Xera took a few steps closer to Valeri and Wendy who, were holding each other with all their strength and Valeri began to weep softly. "What happened?" Xera asked worryingly, Valeri looked up at Xera and said quietly, trembling "It was him." Xera gave a confused look and asked "Who?" Valeri trembled "It was Wendy's..." Wendy bursted into tears and grabbed one of the many stuffed animals that was laying on the bed. Wendy screamed out between tears "DADDY!!" Xera ran up to Valeri and grabbed her by the collar of her pajama shirt. She slapped her in the face and yelled "Get a hold of yourself! What happened?!" Valeri stopped crying and answered, still trembling "He, he..was." Xera slapped her again and commanded "Tell me what happened." Valeri swallowed her tears and responded with "There was blood everywhere. When we went in he was....the carnage..I don't...she." Xera slapped her again and screamed in her face "What happened?!" Valeri's face turned red and turned to Xera, she gave her a wicked expression before shouting back "He was fucking eating her! Is that good enough for you?!" Xera let go of Valeri's collar and took a few steps away from her. Valeri continued and hissed "He was eating her corpse, his eyes were completely black like oil and he was drenched in her blood. Is that good enough for you?! You want any more of a description?!" Xera held her hand to her mouth and whimpered "Oh god." Una turned around to face them and asked in her usual sweet and curious tone "What are you all yelling about?" Xera and Valeri turn to face Una, Wendy continues to cry and squeeze the stuffed rabbit that she had grabbed. "Why's sissy crying?" Xera thinks to herself for a second before Valeri blurts out "She's just crying because of the movie." Una sighs "Oh." she thinks to herself before smiling intensely and running up to her sister and wrapped her arms around her waist. Wendy looked down to Una with tears streaming down her face, Una squeezed Wendy and looked up "Don't be sad sissy, it's just a movie, it didn't happen." Wendy smiled and brushed Una's caramel hair out of her face. Valeri turned her back to the wall before asking the group "Well, what do we do now?" Xera shrugs and starts to pace after shoving her flashlight in her pants pocket. Xera then turns back to the group and states "I think we should at least get some weapons. That's what they usually do in the movies." Valeri looked over to her and asked "And where exactly are we going to get those?" Wendy looks up from Una and whispers to her "Go play with your dolls, I need to talk to my friends." Una nods and goes back to the small playhouse, Wendy then adds "I know there's a gun in my parent's room under their bed, but we can't go in there." Valeri turns to face Wendy and asks "Well, do you have anything in here that we could use?"

                     Wendy scratches her chin and looks around the room. Her eyes land on her old baseball bat lying next to her dresser, she jumps off of the bed and runs to it before saying "We could use my old baseball bat, and I think I have a few other things." She throws the baseball bat to Valeri and runs to her bed, she lays down and searches under it for a few minutes before sitting back up with a big box with lid covered in dust. She blows off the dust causing the group to cough, she prys it open and pulls out a steel ring mandrel with a pink handle. She shoves the mandrel into her pocket and runs to the small bookshelf. She pulls a candlestick off of the top shelf before throwing the candle behind her, she walked over to Una and whispered "Can you hold this for sissy?" Una nods and grabs it then Wendy continues with "Thank you, now, don't put it down until sissy tells you to, and if anyone tries to hurt you, you need them in the head with it." Una nods and goes back to playing with her dolls. Xera looks over to Wendy and says "Hey, what do I get?" Wendy scratches her chin then runs out of the door, the three sit  in the room for a few minutes before Wendy came running back in with a frying pan and a handful of forks, steak knives and a butter knife. She threw the frying pan to Xera before being met with a sour expression "Really?" Wendy nods, Xera continues with "Out of everything you could've given me, you gave me the worst weapon known to movies and video games." Wendy replies "Well that's the best we've got so I suggest you either use it or give it to Valeri." Xera shakes her head and responds with "No, I'm fine. Wait what's the knives and forks for?" Wendy walks to everyone and hands them one fork and one steak knife, except for Una who she hands a fork and the butter knife. Valeri asks "Why did you give her a butter knife?" Wendy turns to face her and claims "Well she might hurt herself, we can't just-." Before she could finish her sentence they heard a low growl come from the hallway.

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