Chapter 1: Sleepover

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Wendy's room is barely lit, two periwinkle night lights in the corners of the room illuminate the scene. The four girls sit in the corner of the room near the bed, staring at the small VCR TV,  Una and Wendy are sitting in the floor and watching the movie. Una is holding Wendy with all her might while Wendy is clutching her yellow pillow with a pink plaid pattern. Xera and Valeri were sitting on the bed with their eyes glued to the screen. Valeri had a blanket with an unknown cartoon character on it wrapped around her and Xera had a bowl of buttery popcorn in front of her that she was shoving into her mouth . The bed is covered in stuffed animals to the point where it was spilling into the floor. A nightstand sits right next to the bed with two shelves and a drawer on the bottom, the top of the nightstand is covered in plastic cups filled with watered-down soda and a small princess clock. The top shelf is full of old movies that each of them had seen over a dozen times before and some strange toys ranging from a plastic doll with no clothes on and a messy pony-tail in her hair, to a wind-up toy that you could wind up to make it walk around and do flips. The second shelf is just another shelf full of old DVDs and VHS tapes with the exception of having an empty popcorn bag on it. In the other corner next to the nightstand were two doll houses, one that was very small with only two rooms, and every last part of it was created by hand, and the other doll house was very tall compared to the others, but it wasn't tall enough to even go up to Valeri's neck. There was a large chest full of miscellaneous items sitting next to the larger dollhouse with a small jewelry box full of mardi gras beads. In the corner diagonal from the bed had a closet overflowing with clothes and board games, an easel behind the closet door with a large dresser covered with ribbons and trophies for sports teams. There's a small bookshelf in front of the bed full of books and a small VCR TV.

          On the TV a teenage girl walks outside of a cabin and into the woods  nearby, she walks around for a bit before stopping and standing in the middle of the dark, she turns around and sees a killer pop out from behind a tree, she screams and it fades to black. When the girl screams, the four girls jump from the sudden scare and Xera jumps so hard her bowl popcorn tips over and pours all over the bed. Wendy squeezes her pillow as Una buries her head into Wendy's side. They all start laughing except Una who started to cry, Valeri stops laughing and groans "Wendy, why is your sister in here? Isn't she supposed to be in her room watching TV or something?" Wendy pushes Una away from her and responds to Valeri with "It's not like I invited her, mom told me that I needed to let Una watch movies with us or that she was going to send you all home." Xera falls backwards on the bed and states "Geez that was a good movie, it's the scariest I've ever seen." Valeri turned to face Xera "Meh, it wasn't as scary as 'The Black Friday Massacre', but I have to admit that it was ten times better than 'Pink Pony Island" Xera replied with "Yeah, right, that movie was awful. Remember that one part of the movie where it was like 'Why yes princess pretty pony , I will accept the duty of taking care of all of the merponies, even though I can not swim'" Valeri and Wendy snickered as Una continued to cry. Valeri replied, still laughing "Oh, and remember the part where they were like 'But princess pretty pony, how will we ever find enough time to plan the annual pretty pony party at the pink pretty plaza'" Valeri holds her hand to her forehead and leans backwards, parodying the film about pink pretty ponies. Una takes her head out of Wendy's side and screamed with tears still pouring down her face "That movie wasn't bad! That last movie was stupid and bad! Why did you make me watch that?!" Valeri crosses her arms and replies with "Well, you made us watch your awful movie, so why don't we get to watch our bad movie?" Una continues to cry, Wendy rolls her eyes and tilts Una's head up and eased Una with "Hey, why don't you go play with my doll house? Why don't you play a game with Lovely Lacey?" Una sniffles then grabs the naked doll that was sitting on the nightstand, she then shuffles to the large playhouse.

             Wendy, Valeri, and Xera continue their conversation, Xera hops off the bed and stretches "Well, anyone wanna go get a midnight snack?" Wendy scratches her neck and replies with "Uh, my parents said that we shouldn't eat any snacks after ten." Valeri rolls her eyes and moans "Oh, come on, what do you think we are? Gremlins?" Xera chuckles a little bit then Wendy says "I know but, what if we wake them up?" Valeri argues "They will not wake up, they're like two rooms away and we're just going across the hallway, which is literally two steps away, and grab a bag of donuts." Wendy sighs then says "Fine." Valeri and Xera squeal and Xera runs out the door and down the hallway. Valeri leans back up against the wall and asks Wendy "Hey, you're not scared because of that movie are you?" Wendy comes back down to earth and she screams "N, n, no, no I'm, f, f, fine." Valeri then retorts with "Well then you better hope that something scary doesn't happen." Wendy gives her a puzzled look and says "What?" before being interjected by Xera who slams the door open and scares Wendy. Wendy screams and the other two laugh, Wendy holds her hand to her chest and yells "You could've given me a heart attack!" Valeri and Xera keep laughing until Valeri states, still while giggling "You should've seen the look on your face!" then Xera adds on "It was absolutely priceless!" Wendy gives them a mean look then throws a pillow at Xera. Wendy yells at them "I hate you!", Valeri and Xera calm down and Valeri states "Chill, it was just a prank." Wendy sits there with a sour look on her face. Valeri then says "Fine, I'll let you all prank me before the end of the night. Is that fair?" Wendy nods then goes and lies down on the bed.

         Suddenly the the lights flicker quickly for a few minutes and they all say "What the heck is that?", the lights flicker for a few seconds before finally going out completely. Wendy rolls her eyes and states "Oh  haha, very funny, is this another one of your pranks?" Valeri then replies "No, I didn't do any of this, Xera, did you do any of this?" Xera then frets "No, not at all." Valeri goes to a more serious tone and repeats "Xera, if this is a prank you need to stop right now. I'm being serious." Xera walks closer to the bed and replies with "No, I swear, I didn't do this." Wendy inches closer to the bed and states "Then what's going on here?" Valeri then says calmly "We'll be fine, it's just a blackout, this happens all the time, all we need to do is wait for the power to come back on." A loud scream comes echoes from the parent's bedroom, Valeri then says "What the hell was that?!", Wendy jumps onto the bed and huddles up next to Valeri and whispers while softly crying "I think that was my mom."

When The Lights Go OutМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя