Chapter 6: Valeri

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Valeri and Xera bolted out of Wendy's bedroom and across the hallway. They slam the door behind them which echoes through the house. The bathroom is very small with a bathtub with shower curtains covered in multicolored fish and bubbles; a set of hooks next to the door overflowing with rainbow ponytails and hair accessories; a small sink next to the door with things on it such as a lime green cup filled with toothbrushes, a lilac brush with alabaster lilies on the back, a pink dispenser bottle of soap, a baby blue towel, and a tube of toothpaste covered in blue and white toothpaste; and a toilet with a small window above it.  They slam the bathroom door and flick the light switch to the on position, the lights doesn't come on, Xera flips it a few times but to no success, she flips it frantically until valeri grabs her arm and states "Hey. The power's out. Remember?" Xera stops flicking the light switch and nods, Valeri rolls her eyes and asks "Can you hold up my flashlight?" Xera nods and Valeri tosses her her flashlight and baseball bat. Xera flicks the switch on and holds it above Valeri, Valeri squeezes some soap onto her hand with a little bit falling onto the sink. She flips the faucet on and scrubs her hand, Xera starts to fiddle with the flashlights, spinning them around the room, Valeri looks up at Xera and shouts "Quit messin' with the flashlights!" Xera gives her a sour face and replies with "I wouldn't be if you didn't take an hour and a half, I have to wash my hands too." Valeri sighs and wipes her hands on the towel on the sink. Valeri walks out of the way and rips the flashlights and the weapons out of Xera's hands, Xera looks up at Valeri and asks "Do you even know what you're going to do after we get rid of whatever that thing is?" Valeri jokes "I don't know, I was thinking about making it my butler." Xera replies with "I'm being serious." Valeri shrugs and responds with "I don't know, I'm no master strategist. All I know is that we can't stay here." Xera dries her hands off with the towel and asks "Why?" Valeri hands Xera her flashlight and frying pan back and explains "Well there might be more of them, and I don't wanna be around if there are." Xera sits down on the ground and asks "Where do we go then?" Valeri rests her bat on the ground and states "I suggest we go to the Icehouse© up the road." Xera hits Valeri in the stomach and says "I'm being serious!" Valeri chuckles "I'm being serious too. I mean, have you ever seen a horror movie where the bad guy goes attacks someone in a chain restaurant?" Xera nods "You do have a point." Valeri leans down and picks her baseball bat off of the ground. "Where do you suggest we go first?" Xera scratches her chin and responds with "I think we should search the basement." Valeri nods and opens the door to the hallway. 

             They walk down the hallway to the basement door, Valeri holds her bat up and grabs the doorknob "You ready?" Valeri asks, Xera nods and holds up her frying pan. Valeri takes a deep breath and slams the door open, they ran down the stairs, nearly tripping on a few toys that had been arranged on the stairs. They stop at the very bottom of the stairs and look around with their flashlights for a few moments and find nothing but two doors, Valeri looks over to Xera and suggests "I think we should split up so we can cover more ground." Valeri and Xera bursted into laughter then Xera says "No, Ryan you can't go alone, the monster might get you while we're separated." Valeri slings her arm around Xera and states in a fake deep voice "Fine babe, I guess you can come and keep me company." They giggle and Xera says in a fake high voice "I love you baby." Valeri looks down at her and says in her fake deep voice "I love you too babe." They laugh loudly and walk into the door to their left, they shine their flashlights around the room.

                The room reeks of cat fur it has two couches covered in hair, two black and white loveseats, a large widescreen tv, and a doorway shrouded by two brown curtains. Valeri walks to the doorway as Xera walked to the pair of loveseats. Valeri turned to Xera and stated "I'll look in here and you look over there." Xera gives her a confused look and asked "Shouldn't we stay together? I mean whenever they split up in the horror movies they always die." Valeri rolls her eyes and assures "We'll be fine, we're only a few feet away, and even if that thing does manage to attack one of us then we'll be able to go to each other and beat the crap out of it." Xera nods and starts to look around the room. Valeri walks through the curtains and into the room, it was full of cardboard boxes and plastic bins, she shines her flashlight around the room until it falls on the corner of the room. There was a shadow that was standing in the corner of the room that was about the same height as her, it was facing the corner with its head leaning against the wall. Valeri takes a few steps closer and shines her light on its head and asks "Wendy, that you?" the figure clenches its fists and turns around to face Valeri.

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