Chapter 5.

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❝ because
i could watch you
for a single minute

and find
a thousand things
that i love
about you❞ 

and finda thousand thingsthat i loveabout you❞ 

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"Owen!" I threw my arms around the adorable kid, picking him up in my arms. "I missed you."

"It was just one day, Mommy." He let out a soft laugh.

"Didn't feel like one. You wanna eat something?"

"You won't cook, Evelyn!" Felix popped up out of nowhere, shocking the living daylights out of me.

"Stop yelling, I won't." Without any reply, he went into the kitchen.

"I had breakfast at Grandma's." He rolled his eyes. Oh God, these people will spoil the kid so bad, he's learnt how to roll his eyes.

"You shouldn't roll your eyes, dear." I tried the soft step-mother thingy parenting websites had taught to me. "That's rude."

"Oh..." He craned his neck up to look at me. "But Gandma does it all the time."

"Boom!" I heard Felix yell from the kitchen.

"Which Grandma, Owen?"

"Dad's Mom."

"Boom!" I yelled back to my dear husband.

"Breakfast is ready, Evelyn. If you want to eat, that is."

He walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron around the shirt, looking so much like a family man. Breakfast went by in pretty much silence, with me feeding Owen bits of my pancakes and not letting him refuse while Felix rolled his eyes.

After breakfast, Felix decided to answer some e-mails and to complete some other business related stuff. I don't have any work to do at present, neither am I interested in doing it. So, I decided to spend my time with my most favourite person in the entire universe.

And in Owen's presence, I forgot all the worries from the past. All that mattered was his toothy grin and his laughing at my lame jokes. I know life might be shit, but there are a few people who make it worth living. Owen is one of them. His presence makes me alive.

"Mommy?" He mumbled after a round of Scrabble which he won.

"Yes, sweetie?" I rubbed his curly brown hair, the ones he has inherited from his mother.

"Do you love Daddy?"

"I-of course I do, Owen. Why would you ask that?" I picked him from his side and onto my lap, brushing a strands of hair his forehead.

"Because of Mom." His face scrunched up at the word, and I instantly knew that I was not the Mom he was talking about.

"Why's that?" My eyes furrowed in confusion as I gently ran a hand through his hair.

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