Tom Riddle and the Fake Wand....

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Everything had been going well for Voldemort ever since Harry Potter had died. Well, all was well until about a month ago, when his loyal Death Eaters started to go down, one at a time.

At first, he had dismissed the occurrences as someone taking revenge. Eh. He didn't care if  one or two of them died off, he had many trusted accomplices who could make up for their loss.

Besides, his loyal were starting to get testy and way too curious for their own good. And so, he hadn't thought twice before throwing an Avada Kedavra at Bellatrix.

It was after that Weasley girl - what was her name - Ginna, no, Ginn, no, Gia, nah, Ginny! Right. It was after Ginny Weasely died, that he started to get worried. No, not worried. Suspicious. The Dark Lord never gets worried. Not for anyone. Not even himself.

Hmm. So, he started to get suspicious when Gin - oh curse her! Ugh. Whatever! - when the Weasely girl died.  It wasn't even a week before the smartest girl in his  ranks was also found dead in her office. The Ministry of all places!

If The Ministry wasn't safe, the Minister herself wasn't safe despite the many Aurors at her gaurd, then how could any member of his Inner Circle be safe?

"My Lord! My - my Lord!" The shouts broke him out of his reverie. He turned to cast a Crucio at the one who dared disturb him, wand at the ready. But the scene that met his eyes had him baffled for a moment. Ronald Weasely, the most loyal of his accomplices, was running towards him, breathing hard, with Lucius right behind him.

"What happened?" He asked. "M- my Lord" Ronald spoke in between loud gulps of air, "Avery, Macnair,Crabbe, Goyle and the Lestrange brothers are dead."

"What!?" Voldemort asked, shocked. He couldn't believe it! Most of his Inner Circle was no more! What was left of the said group was standing right in front of him. Ronald and Lucius.

"Who dare -" He was cut off in middle. "I dare." Sirius Black said, casually twirling his wand.

Ron froze. Sirius Black is Thunder! Damn it. That's why Hermione didn't last. Him and Professor Lupin must've been there together! But then, who was the third guy with them?

Sirius smirked internally, keeping an impassive face on the outside. Ronald's expression was very amusing. He looked like he had swallowed a lemon. He couldn't wait for him to see Harry. Would he faint at the sight of his not so dead 'best mate'  that he deceived? Sirius hoped he did. It would be much easier to take him out then.

"Black," Voldemort roared, "How dare you!" "Like this." Sirius replied, throwing a wordless and wandless Stupefy at Lucius Malfoy. Ron flinched and Voldemort almost growled at his casual attitude.

Remus and Harry, shrouded by the Death's magic, were roaring in laughter at Voldemort's expression. Harry hadn't missed the sudden nervousness on his face when Siri had fired the stunner, even if it was momentous.

"Alright cub. It's my turn to go. Make sure you scare the hell out of them when you make an appearance. Okay?" Harry nodded and watched his Uncle Moony go out and terrify the already cowering Weasely.

"So, Weasely. Got something to say in your defence?" Remus asked, casually baring his fangs. He couldn't help but thank Death and Harry for making it possible for him to turn whenever he wished to. Now he was like an actual wolf animagus. And it was amazing!

Ron knew it was coming but couldn't suppress the shudder. This was almost worse than being hit by a Crucio and due to The Dark Lord's temper, he knew exactly how that felt.

He couldn't help but be intimidated by the two men. Both of whom alongside James Potter,he knew as the brightest pupils to ever grace Hogwarts right after The Dark Lord himself. And from what Hermione had told him, all three of them were powerful enough to hold their own in a duel against Professor Flitwik himself.

The only reason James Potter had lost his life to his Lord was because his best friends weren't there by his side or Harry wouldn't have been who he had been when he had tricked the boy into befriending him.

Also, he was well aware of the infamous Black temper as his father had often talked of his grandmother who had been a Black before she married his grandfather, Septimus Weasley. And then, Walburga Black's potrait hadn't exactly been the most reassuring of how well the Blacks controlled their anger.

Voldemort couldn't believe his eyes. How did Black and Lupin escape from Azkaban? Even if Black had been able to do it before, he shouldn't have been able to break out of the wizard prison this time. Both of them should've been wallowing in self pity and resignation because they had lost their godson.

But he wasn't about to show his confusion. So he raised the Elder Wand, that he had retrieved from Dumbledore's office after Potter's death. He had hated to part with his precious wand when he had faked his death.

Just before he could throw an Avada Kedavra at Black, he felt his wand getting hotter and hotter with every passing second. What is going on?

The temperature of the wand only grew until he could no longer hold it. He was forced to drop it and as soon as he did, he saw how red the wand had turned. A few more agonising seconds later, the wand combusted.

Black and Lupin dissolved in hysterical laughter as Voldemort just stared at the place his wand had been. Ron could only feel more afraid. He'd known that these two were masters at Pranks but he never realised that they could destroy wands too!

He wouldn't ever raise his wand if he got out of this alive, which was highly unlikely.

A dark as night cloak emerged from nothingness. The hood pulled up. Ron's eyes widened. This must be the third man!

He could feel the temperature drop a few degrees as the figure literally glided over to their little group.

"W-who are you?" Ron asked, trying and failing to keep fear from filtering through.

At this Voldemort suddenly realised that they had company. Even though his wand had just blown up, Ronald's trembling voice was more of a concern at the moment. He, turned his head and froze when he saw a dark, hooded figure standing beside Black and Lupin.

He couldn't help but repeat Ronald's question only with ,what he hoped was, an impassive tone. The figure just smirked before throwing his hood back.

Voldemort's breath hitched when he saw his old enemy standing in front of him.

Okay. It's a wrap for today guys. Yeah I know I'm evil. I shouldn't have left a cliffhanger when the things had  just started to get interesting. But yeah, I couldn't think of a better way to end this chapter. Though I had a better ending in mind but then I thought, Why not? (Hey! That rhymes!)

Also, thank you so so much for your love and support. It's because of you all that I have even reached this point. Or I would've given up a long time ago.❤️❤️

Happy Reading!

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