The Muggle Way..

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When they read the news in Daily Prophet, the three men couldn't help but laugh. Skeeter and her unique writing style!

"The Aurors still haven't figured out that there is three of us and not one! They do know that you both vanished from Azkaban a month ago, don't they? Or they just haven't made the connection yet?" Harry asked, slightly worried.

"Harry, relax! It's good they haven't found out yet. Or things would be more difficult for us. Besides they are probably thinking that I would have killed Sirius by now with me being a werewolf and all and am probably better off out of Azkaban." Remus tried to calm Harry down.

"How can I not worry Remus? This way our plan will be late according to the time line we had set! The wizarding world should have known by now that someone broke you out of Azkaban and is now assisting you in taking revenge."

"Harry. Moony is right. It's okay if they don't know yet. We would just have to think of a different way to make it more obvious. Hey Moony, why don't we do it the Muggle way?" Sirius asked.

"The Muggle way?" Harry and Remus spoke together, puzzled.

"Oh yes, my dear accomplices. Most definitely yes. They wouldn't know what hit them. And I think I know exactly who is going to help us take them down."

The Malfoy Manor
Same day
7:00 pm
(Narcissa's wing)

An unsuspecting woman sat in the parlor, her long fingers resting on the piano, having just finished playing a piece.

"That was beautiful, cousin." Sirius' voice startled Narcissa so much that she almost jumped a foot in the air. "Sirius!?" She asked, stunned.

"Oh yes, Cissa dear. Miss me?" He asked playfully. "My God Sirius! How - Why are you here!? You do know that if Lucius came up and saw you and Remus here, you would be back in Azkaban before you can tell another one of your Sirius - Serious jokes, right?"

"Oh Cissy, you haven't changed yet, have you? Don't worry about us. We'll be fine. Atleast give your cousin a hug! I have visited you after so long!"

Narcissa hurriedly moved and hugged Sirius. "Okay. I did miss you, you idiot. But seriously. Please leave before Lucius sees you."

"Why are you so afraid of that git? Does he..... you know......" "No. No Siri he doesn't. It's just that I don't want you to be arrested again."

"Well good for him then. Or I would have had to kill him." "Padfoot, shouldn't you be telling her why we came here in the first place." Remus said.

"Of course. So the thing is Cissa, that all those murders that have happened in the past month were done by Moony and I along with a secret partner."

"Wait what!? All ten of them!?" "All ten of them." "What? How?" "Oh Cissy, we are Thunder. And yes we did all those murders. And now we need your help." "My help?"

"Yes. This nephew of ours wants the wizarding world to know that him, Moony and I are Thunder. With his identity being the exception. And we need to -"

"Wait. Nephew? Who are you talking about Sirius. Which nephew do you have except for Draco and Potter? Because I know that Draco couldn't have broken you out of Azkaban and Potter's.... Well dead."

"I am alive Mrs. Malfoy and I like it that way better, thank you very much." Harry appeared out of nowhere, scaring the living daylights out of Narcissa.

"How?" Was the only thing she could ask. Harry looked at Sirius who nodded. And so he began. He told her about everything that had happened. The betrayal. The resurrection. The breakout. Everything.

By the end of the explanation, Narcissa was just too stunned to say anything for five minutes. For five minutes she just sat there, with her head in her hands trying to take it in.

"Oh my god! That's just awful Harry! I can call you that right?" After receiving a nod in return she continued. "Tell me how I can help you. Those deceiving bastards deserve to be punished."

"See. I told you Cissa would understand. She hates traitors." Now Sirius addressed Narcissa ,"Listen we need supplies. Muggle supplies." "Muggle supplies?" "Yes. We cannot go to muggle London due to our unfinished work. So I am asking you to help us in getting red paint, a broad brush, lots of white paper and pens of course. Quills won't work."

"Okay but why do you need all this?" "That I will tell you later on but right now we must leave before anyone comes -"


Hey there! How are you all? Here is a chapter as promised. Hope you enjoy this one. I made Narcissa positive!

But who is this? Lucius or Draco? And how are they going to react after seeing Harry alive? Will Lucius report back to Voldemort? Or will Draco try to go and inform Lucius of this new development?

Wishing you a good day(in whichever time zone you are).


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