The Surprising Turn of Events...

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Ron shook in cold fear. No, no no. How could this be? Harry Potter was dead. After all, he had been the one to write his 'best friend's' obituary. He had been there when Neville and Hermione had read the eulogies.

Harry Potter is dead! I'm just seeing things. He chanted over and over in his head. Especially since, the boy did not look a day older than eighteen. But that theory of his failed when he saw The Dark Lord looking just as gobsmacked.

"H-how?" He asked, now positively shaking. The boy - he refused to call him Harry - just raised an eyebrow.

"Why Weasely, are you scared?" Sirius asked, "I'd thought that you were not afraid of anything, well,except for spiders. Did your not so dead best mate scare you out of your wits?"

"Honestly, Weasley. One would think that you would be positively ecstatic to see your best friend alive. What happened? Do you not want to hug Harry and tell him just how much you have missed him?" Remus taunted him.

"I wouldn't have ever, so much as thought that you of all people will betray me Ron. You were my first friend. My brother. And you did this to me?" Harry asked. "Why? Had I asked you to spare me some money? Had I treated you like dirt? Had I ever bossed you around? What did I ever do to deserve what I did?"

"I - I d-didn't have a ch-choice." Ron replied. "The only reason he ever befriended you was because I asked him to." Voldemort took over from the boy. Hmm. So, the self-proclaimed Lord was finally mobile enough to speak. "Now, if all the emotional crap is out of the way, let's come to the point. How are you alive, Potter?"

Harry arched his eyebrow at Tom Riddle. "Do you really want to know?" Voldemort, in turn, raised his eyebrow too, knowing that he should be probably hexing the three of them into oblivion but didn't do it because of two reasons. One, his wand had just blown up and Two, he was simply curious. What? Can I not be curious? Despite all that soul splitting, his curiosity had always been there.

"Umm ok. So, I really did die. But the thing is that I was brought back to life by Death. Ironical, right? I know. Anyway, he told me that I was his master. The Master Of Death. And so, I am immortal. So, you can't really kill me." Harry said, almost convinced that Voldemort couldn't do anything as he didn't have a wand anymore. So, why not?

"But I have the Elder Wand. How are you the Master of Death?" Voldemort asked. "Uh. About that. Okay. So, brace yourself." Voldemort's eyebrows shot up.

"The wand you had, was not the real one. I have the real one right here." Harry said, watching as The Elder Wand answered his call.

Voldemort felt his slight disappointment turn into anger. He was furious. No, scratch that. He was freaking livid! So he did nothing to control himself when his magic begun lash out at everyone present.

Harry had expected it to some extent, so, he quickly grabbed Siri and Uncle Moony and called upon Death. They watched as the Dark Lord's magic left only destruction in its wake.

When it was over, Ronald was surprisingly still alive. Hmmm. Anyway. "You done with your temper tantrum yet?" Harry mocked Riddle. He growled in warning.

Suddenly, a dull thud distracted them from their heated discussion. They turned to see Lucius Malfoy on the floor. Dead. Draco Malfoy stood over him. His wand still in the air. Harry could only stare.

"You don't actually take care of everything, do you Potter?" Draco drawled. "If I hadn't been here, one of your beloved uncles would've been dead while you still argued with The Dark Lord."

Harry shook his head and turned back to Voldemort, who was still seething, that another in his ranks had just died. Harry lifted his wand and just before he could cast a quick Diffindo and be done with all of it,while Riddle was not in his senses, a pained grimace resounded in the air.

This time Harry gulped.

How had he forgotten about Ronald? Throwing a Petrificus Totalus over his shoulder at Riddle, he turned to look in the direction the voice had come from.

Ronald had a sword through his stomach. The hilt of the sword was with Ge - no, no it wasn't George! It was Fred! Fred is alive!? How? Oh my gods. "Yeah yeah. I'm alive, little brother. Now go complete your pending work." This snapped Harry out of his trance.

He turned around casted a quick Homenum Revelio to check for any more hidden surprises. When he got no indication as to the same, he casted a Confringo, having decided at the last point that blasting the threat was better than trying to sever its into parts.

When Tom Marvolo Riddle, self-fashioned Lord Voldemort, inevitably blew up in smoke, leaving behind nothing except for dust, Harry finally let out the breath he didn't realise he had been holding.

He felt like a weight had finally been lifted off his chest when Siri tackled him in a hug. "You did it Harry! You did it!"

A giddy feeling spread all over his chest as he finally realised the meaning of the words just spoken to him. "We did it Siri! We did it!" He spoke, his voice barely a whisper as shocked laughter bubbled past his lips.

He felt himself dissolve in hysteria. He'd done it! They'd done it! They'd finally done it! Yes! He would've jumped up and down if Siri had not been hugging him so hard.

He turned to Uncle Moony and embraced him as well. After a good, long hug, Harry pulled out only to be tackled into another by Fred and George.

A week later

Harry was sitting on a cliff, his legs swinging as he thought about what all happened in the past week.

After they had all (except for Draco) returned to Thunder's hideout (The Potter Manor) and had had something to eat, the twins had begged him to tell them how the three of them were alive. When that explanation was over, he'd asked them the very same question, How was Fred alive?

From what he had been told, Fred had never died. He had been taken to St. Mungos the very day of the battle because George refused to believe that his twin was gone. Only George knew that Fred was alive and in a coma until he regained consciousness and they came back to The Burrow.

Harry had been killed by then. When they learnt what their mother, sister and youngest brother had done to him, they had left the family and returned to their appartment.

After that piece of information, they'd just bid each other Good Night.

Ever since, things had been good to say the least. Innocent were freed from Azkaban. People were informed of the victory. Hogwarts' staff was reinstated. Kingsley Shacklebolt was hailed the Minister. Shopkeepers in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley were returned their rights. Victims were given compensation.

They had also found Teddy. Looks like, after Harry had died, he had almost been shipped to Ronald to be taken care of. But Minerva had taken him away and raised the boy alone. When Remus had found that his son was alive and well, he had once again asked Harry to be his Godfather.

And Harry had agreed. Why would he not?

A loud 'Harry' broke through his train of thoughts. Teddy was running over to him. "Harry! Dad agreed to let me stay with you for the night! How good is that?" Harry beamed as he picked the small eleven-year-old up. "That's wonderful Teddy!"

Giving him a piggy-back-ride back to The Potter Manor, Harry smiled.

-Life couldn't be any better-

This is done! It's finally over! Woohoo! I can't believe that I have finally completed a book! Yes! Hope you liked this one! Believe it or not, it was one of the most difficult chapters I've ever written!

Thank you so so much for being there! I love you all! I can't thank you enough for tolerating my meltdowns and procrastinating tendencies! ❤️❤️❤️
I am so so sorry if I ever offended you. I solemnly swear I didn't want to. Also, thank you for the amazing 14k views!



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