Chapter 25 | Dark Past

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As I walk around the warehouse, just as I thought I was alone, I heard someone's voice clearly saying things like 'I should've told her about him' and 'Why am I such an idiot!'. My curiosity was over the roof that I decided to look for the owner of that voice.

"Daphne? I thought you and the rest went to lunch. Why are you here?" She was clearly surprised by my presence there.

"My queen! Geez. Don't do that. I asked Evangeline to buy some food for me." I can sense that something is troubling her mind.

"How was progress? I hope it will be ready before the opening." I was waiting for her to reply to me but it never came.

"Daphne? Are you listening to me?" She finally looks up to me.

"I'm sorry. You were saying?" I sigh.

"What's in your mind, human?" I took a seat on the chair before crossing my legs.

"Nothing. I'm sorry. What was your question?" Shes avoiding it.

"What's in your mind? That's my question. I don't want any of you humans to neglect the work I've given. The grand opening of this museum is crucial to my plan. Now tell me, what's in your mind?" She was hesitant but finally, she gave in to my request.

"It's just ... Caleb. We went for dinner not too long ago and something happened. But since I said no, he's been trying to getting Evangeline's attention. Then Saturio came into the picture and he seems such a nice creature but Caleb is being Caleb." Ah, love problem? Humans. Can't they live without love?

"What actually happened after dinner? Between you and Caleb." I asked. It doesn't hurt to know.

"Well, he was being a gentleman and me for one love being treated with respect. He was so kind and caring that I almost fell for him. It was until he suddenly came to me after sending me to my dorm. My queen, he was different. Far different from the man he was in the restaurant. I was mad and betrayed. But before I got off from his car, he said that Evangeline won't be so hard to get ..." She stops midway.

"I want to protect my best friend. But he told me that if Evangeline knows about what he did to me, he won't hesitate to tell everyone about my secrets." And how did Caleb know about her secrets?

"What secrets would that be?" I asked.

"There is a reason for it to be a secret. But since you have the ability to see into someone's mind, it doesn't even make any difference. Well, my father is well known and I was born with a silver spoon. But recently my father was caught in some illegal activities and he is currently in trial for it. If the media or anyone else know about this, my family reputation will be tarnish. I don't my father to live in shame. He is a great man. And I know he is innocent." I never knew that she was dealing with that kind of problem before.

"Why didn't you tell me what's going on? Even a vampire-like me knows how to repay someone's gratitude. You've been helping me with my plans. It won't harm anyone to help your family." She seems glad to hear that.

"Thank you for those kind words, my queen. But even you can't do anything about the law. You see, I am in between. If I help my best friend, my father will suffer. If I decided to abandon my childhood friend, she will suffer. What should I do? Caleb is one sly fox. He can manipulate anyone and Evangeline being gullible, she is just easy prey for him." This is the very definition of don't judge a book by its cover.

Even I was tricked by Caleb.

"I don't think you have to worry about anything. Because the very reason why Saturio decided to be here is because of Evangeline. Of course part of it is because Lacrimosa wanted to protect her brother. But looking at how he seems gleeful he is seeing Evangeline, I think that boy is in love. And from experience, I can assure you that demons don't easily let someone they love to be manipulated." I assured her before standing up from my seat.

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