Chapter 16 - A Date Gone Wrong

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"Is this your first date, Caleb?" I asked as we walk around the park after we had dinner at some fancy restaurant ... that Hotep paid for.

"I can't say for sure. I did went out with a woman from my class before but I can hardly call that as a date. Why? Does it show that I never had a romantic date before?" I chuckles.

"A bit. Well, I don't know what's the purpose of this date and what importance it brings to Imperia. All we did was having dinner and walk together at the park. Are they still following us?" Caleb looks around before shaking his head.

"Really? So we're basically on our own now?" Caleb shrugs his shoulder.

"Since we're here, why don't we enjoy the night? It's not everyday we get to be at this part of town. Before coming here, I actually did some research about the restaurant. Turns out that you need to book it in months prior if you're lucky. We can just imagine the amount of money spent there just for dinner." My eyes widen. I don't realised how popular the place is.

"It's unbelievable to think that the vampire manage to establish themselves in such short amount of time. I get it, they're searching for investors for the museum but to get them in few weeks is impossible. Even if they asked for Daphne's help. I have a feeling that woman we saw entering Imperia's bedroom has something to do with it." Caleb has a point.

That woman seems important and the way she brings herself makes it impossible to think she's just a mere call girl. I'm not even sure she's a vampire or any other creatures. She seems so ... human. Like those rich lady we've been passing by since we came to this park.

"Evangeline ... I think I know the reason why Imperia sent us here." What is Caleb talking about? I didn't even noticed that we've been surrounded by ... yellow eyed creatures with a body of a human. Wait, what is going on?

"You smell like vampires! Vampires are impure! Unclean!" Why is this woman suddenly lecturing us about being impure? A man suddenly place his hand on the woman's shoulder before smiling at us.

"I'm sorry about my sister's sudden action. I've been telling her that she should listen before accusing others without proof. I'm sure you have your reason to be here, humans. Tell us, why are you here smelling like vampires." This is a public park. What more can I .... say .... hold on. This is not the same park we were just at.

I look at Caleb who seems to react the same as I am.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. We were just having a little stroll around the park after our date. It's the truth, please spare us." The creatures seems weirded out as they looks at each other.

"You don't seems to react upon meeting us. Don't you feel any kind of fear looking into our orbs? Humans tend to judge us for our appearances. This is our first time meeting humans who accepts our differences." Now I wonder what did they do to humans who wander into their territory.

"Brother! Just kill them! They know too much already." The man raised his hand when his sister about to attack us.

"As your alpha, heed my commands. They haven't done anything wrong except for trespassing our territory without permission. Humans tend to do that mistake. They wish to know something that shouldn't be exist but when they have knowledge about it, they run away from the truth." This guy sound so bitter.

"But brother! They smelled like vampires! For all we know, they could be working for those vampires who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, claiming that they're working for the queen of Gotus. A kingdom that doesn't exist! Let me have them." Once again the man raised his hand and like before, she stops on her track.

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