Chapter 3 | Allies

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"What a pungent smell. What is that?" Keres covered her nose when she was hit with unfavourable scent when she walks towards the living room.

"That is what I like to call a hearty breakfast. I would normally ask my guest to have breakfast with me, but my students haven't come with your food yet. Since the pet shop still closes at this hour, they said they know a guy who provides food for pet snakes and other exotic animals that humans care for." Keres raised an eyebrow.

"When did we been reduced to animals?" Imperia clear her throat when she walks behind her advisor.

"We asked for food from humans, Keres. We are animals." Imperia takes a seat as Miss Kingston gives both of the vampires a cup of hot blood that she was having trouble with due to her microwave.

"We're back," Caleb announced when he walks into the living carrying life rodent that he manages to get from his friend. Evangeline and Daphne appeared behind him carrying a cooler that contents more supply of blood for the vampires.

"I feel like we're doing some kind of illegal business now. I mean, we're actually carrying bottles of blood in here." Daphne whispered to her friend as they immediately went to Miss Kingston refrigerator to store the vampire's source of food.

"Either this or they kill us? As gentle as the 'queen' seems to be, I don't think Keres has the same approach as her. She legit would kill us on the spot if we decided to anger and the 'queen'." Daphne sighs.

"I didn't expect that on our senior year we have to be servants for creatures that aren't supposed to exist." As they were storing the bottles of blood, Caleb went into the kitchen and grabs a knife while securing the life rodent on the countertop.

"I suppose you ladies would be so kind as to kill this rodent for them?" both girls shake their head violently. Caleb sighs heavily. As he looks straight into the rodent's eyes, it reminds him of his pet hamster back at home. Caleb let go of the knife and looks up to the girls.

"I can't do it! It reminds me of Meow, and I can't simply kill it without any sense of remorse!" the girls were confused to what is Meow Caleb's referring to. As he was debating with himself if she should just let the rodent escape and gets in trouble with the vampires or just kill it like it's a healthy thing to do, Keres walk in the kitchen, wondering where did their food go to.

"You haven't killed the rodent yet? It's not bad enough that we, a respectable pureblood vampire, have to eat rodents, we have to kill our own food as well?" Keres grabbed the rodent with her bare hands and effortlessly twist the rodent in half. Blood squirted all over the countertop and on her clothes as well on Caleb's face, but Keres doesn't care as she begins to lick her bloody hands.

"I was once a commander of an army. Things like this never faze me one bit. Have you ever slaughter a creature-eating dragon while riding on its back? Have you ever spar one on one with a demon who wish nothing but to destroy your kind? Or have you ever faced an angel that wants to 'clean' the unclean? I guess not." Keres handed half of the rodent to Caleb.

"Here. Give this to Imperia while I enjoyed my meal in the kitchen." Caleb instinctively vomits all over the counter when he suddenly came face to face with the dead rodent's head.

"I forgot that humans don't have that strong of a stomach with this kind of stuff," Keres turns to one of the girls who pretended to be busy staking the blood into the refrigerator. Keres rolled her eyes and went to Imperia herself. When the vampire walks into the kitchen again, Caleb was cleaning his own vomit while the girls decided to help him.

"You three remind me of the human servants that we had back in Gotus. One of the females even managed to seduce the queen and made her one of her mistresses. The human was and still is a good source of food, but their way of bringing themselves was horrible." Daphne suddenly had a thought.

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