Chapter 4 | The Brides

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Daphne watches as a new addition of supposedly deceased princess casually sitting on the couch watching television and acts as if she owns the place.

"She supposed to be a princess from an ancient Egyptian royal family? Did her manners dissolve into nothingness inside the sarcophagus where she was found?" Hotep ignores the human remark and just explored the wonders of the modern world.

"We've experienced firsthand of what she is capable of doing. I suggest that you keep your thoughts to yourself, Miss Sommers." Miss Kingston warns her student from digging herself her own grave.

"I think it's time for you to tell us what exactly your plan is. Why do you even need Hotep to be by your side? We could just leave her to spread her curses for all this low-breed kind to handle. Why do we need to soil our own hands in saving a princess who can't even control herself from spreading chaos in her own kingdom?" Keres was bitter when it comes to talking about Hotep.

"I can hear you, Keres, princess of the so-called ancient kingdom and the last of your pureblood kind. Don't tell me that you still find it an eyesore to see me beside your beloved queen," Hotep smirk when she mocked Keres.

"Enough! Keres, you of all creatures should know what power Hotep possessed. You've seen her in action before. You know what she's capable of doing. With her profound beauty and the way she brings herself in the public eye, she's bound to gain us more exposure with the modern world. Besides, I need her presence when I announced my survivability from my father's eternal punishment." Keres huff before taking a deep breath and released.

"Then what is your plan other than exploiting Hotep's beauty," Keres asked but this time without the sarcasm.

"I would like to reintroduce myself to society, humans and creatures. I want to see if there is someone out there still remembers me from my golden era than the queen who was publicly humiliated by her own father." Keres shakes her head as her way of protesting Imperia's plan.

"What if your father still lingers in the darkness together with your half brother, Baracus? You've been so much just because you care for your people, Imperia. It's not wise to make them known of your presence. We could do so much with the wealth we have. We could live on an uncharted island or built another palace for us to stay in. But please, don't do this." Keres implored that Imperia rethink of her decision.

"Are you trying to tell the once great queen of Gotus to stay hidden behind a brick wall rather than reclaim her throne from a half-breed? That is so not you, Keres." Hotep chimes in with her mouth full of candies she found stacking on someone's bed.

"Hey! That's mine!" Daphne was about to grab her candies when Evangeline pulled her back by the collar.

"I'm trying to keep everyone safe from unwanted death. We were buried alive for thousands of years. Do we really want to go back to be caged like we did?" Keres asked both of the vampires. But that realisation didn't faze Imperia from continuing her plan to have her throne back.

"Besides, you heard what the humans said before. Gotus is no more. It disappeared like we did. We are not even sure if our kind is still out there." Keres really wish for Imperia to change her mind, but as her former advisor and friend, she knows better than to hope for something that will never happen.

"But if this plan of yours really is important to you, I don't mind getting my hands dirty. As always, I'll be your advisor every step you take. And by that I mean I will have full control of Hotep. Knowing her ways of dealing with things, it's best if I leash her like a dog she once was." Hotep rolled her eyes.

"I'm okay with that. But before I tell everyone about my plan, someone, please open the door for Miss Waters because she's been standing outside the door contemplating whether she should knock or run away and seek refuge from the government." Miss Kingston gets up and opens the door.

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