Chapter 17 - The Big News

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***Addison POV'***

I look up at Jaxson and I was debating if I should tell him what I think now or later. I want us to find out if I am pregnant at the same time. Before I could control what I was going to say I told him without think.

" I think I might be pregnant," I told him and he was hooked

" I am unsure, I was throwing up lately and I also was late for my period and I don't know if I am" I look at Jaxson with tears in my eyes because he still hasn't sai anything to me.

" There is only one way to find out," Jaxson said wiping the tears in my eyes and I nodded. He took my hand in his and walked to the gas station to buy a pregnancy test. I found one and told Jaxson and he took it from me and paid for it. He opens the back seat door of Carson's car for me and I went in and he sat in the back seat with me.

" What did you guys buy" Carson ask turning to look at us then he looked at what I was holding, then looked back at me.

" I might be an uncle," Carson said in a soft voice

" Yes there might be a chance," Jaxson said and looked at me with a smile. I let out a breath of relief because I thought he didn't want the kid. Carson started to drive

" Only one way to know for sure, can I use your phone to car Clare," I ask Jaxson, I wanted to tell Clare to come to my house so we can all find out if I am pregnant. Jaxson nodded and reached into his pocket and took out his phone and gave it to me.  I type in Clare's number on Jaxson's phone, it rings once then she picks up.

" Hello," Clare said and I took a breath before talking.

" Hello, Clare it's Addison" Clare started asking me questions if I was okay and what exactly happened.

" I am fine now, Liam tried to take me but carbon and Jaxson stoped him" Clare sound relief

" Thank God you are okay," Clare said

" Look I think I might be pregnant," I told Clare and waited for her reaction, she screams loud, she sounded happy.

" I am on my way to your " Clare said then hanged up. I turn to give the phone to Jaxson. When I turn his face was so close to mine and he kisses me and I kissed back

" I can't wait to have a family," Jaxson said and I smile because I can't wait neither this test is going to tell us if I am pregnant.

" Same," I said and smile even more. We soon pulled up to the driveway of my house I liked at Jaxson and gave him a small smile.

" I am going upstairs to check" I walked upstairs and went straight to my bathroom. I did what the test told me to do. Now I just have to wait, I open the door and Jaxson was on my bed and Clare was on the chair while Carson was on the floor. Clare saw me and walked up to me

" How long do we have to wait" Clare came up to me and ask

" Only 5 more minutes to find out," I told Clare and went to lay down on my bed. Jaxson hugged me and whispered

" I am scared to find out, I really want us to have a kid" Jaxson sai then the timer on my phone buzzed telling us that it is time to check. Every since like it was in slow motion. I walked to the bathroom and pick up the test and what it said made me cry. Clare came and hugged me.

"What did it say" Clare ask me and I couldn't find the words to say it. I lift the test and shoes it to her. She smiles and then screams. the boys came to the bathroom.

"What happened what did it say" Carso and Jaxson ask at the same time. Clare looked at me with a big smile. She was waiting for me to answer, I looked at the boys and smile.

" I can no say I am going to have a kid after high school, I am pregnant people" I sai and Jaxson cam up to me and smiled. He carries me and spins me around.

" I am going to be a dad"Jaxosn smiled and looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back.

" Let's go I am going to be an Uncle"  Carson yelled and we all laugh. 

" I am going to be a godmother" Clare yelled out loud with a smile on her face.

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