Part 2: Wylla's Nightmare

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POV of Kya and Fenrys' daughter, Wylla.

One minute I was running the opposite direction of my brother, smiling wide enough to show all my teeth as I ran through the garden and listened to Uncle Dorian countdown from ten.

Even though we went in opposite directions, Connall and I still ended up running into each other as we circled for the middle of the garden and aimed for a spot behind the fountain. "Find somewhere else," Connall hissed through his teeth. I narrowed my eyes at him and shoved his arm, but I wasn't strong enough to push him to the ground even if I wanted to.

"I hope you get caught first," I lifted myself to my feet and dusted my dress off before sprinting away. He wasn't paying attention to me as he stayed ducked behind the fountain and I took a position behind one of my mother's favorite statues.

I stayed low to the ground as I waited and listened, it wasn't long until I heard the crunching of leaves and smelled my uncle's faint scent mixed with someone else's. I poked my head over the statue's base to peak and saw that it was a guard wearing Uncle Dorian's jacket. I ducked back down before he could see me.

At first I heard a strong wind. It ripped twigs from the bushes, but I stayed behind the protection of the statue. Why is Connall trying to hit me with wind?

This wind was making my eyes water, I tried to blink away the wetness. I wasn't paying attention as the statue tipped off its base. I felt like the world slowed down as I looked up at the white face of the statue moving closer towards me, as if I was a dog he wished to kiss on the head. My limbs froze the closer it came and as the weight came crashing down on me, it started with a crack over my head. Pain. The wind. Darkness.

And then I felt like I was falling through a tear in the ground. As though the bricks beneath me were nothing but a sheet of cloth.

I screamed as I was suddenly falling through a dark sky. Fear blinded me from doing anything logical. I tried to get my body to level out but I was flipping as I hurtled to the ground and the feeling of vomiting hit me.

"I'M GOING TO DIE!" I screamed hard enough to cough. Think. Think. Think. If only I could level myself I could change into an owl and fly. But I feared that the ground was coming close and I would splat like an egg.

With a flash of light, I turned into an owl and held my wings out. The wind caught me, but the pain was enough to make me cry out. I was alive though. I drifted in the air and let myself sink towards a light on a mountain little by little.

I was above a city but it didn't look like any city I knew. It looked peaceful as a river flowed through it and mountains surrounded it in a mothering way.

Pretty, was my last thought before the blood flowing from my head and the fear of falling finally caught up to me and my vision went completely dark. I just remember something soft hitting me.

And then I hit the ground.


I opened my eyes when I felt something nudging me, I was half conscious but I looked up and saw stars shooting across the sky. Even with the pain spreading through my body and my fight to stay awake, I can't help but be awed. The next thing I see is a boy looking down at me. He must have been the one to nudge me with his shoe.

He's probably my age and he's fae. Or at least, I thought, I wasn't sure when I saw black bat-like wings over both of his shoulders. Pretty, his eyes match the sky.

"Mom! I found an owl!" The boy called out. "I think it's dead!" He nudged me again.

I wanted to change back into my fae form but everything hurt. I could hardly keep my eyes open.

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