Chapter 7: Dear His Majesty

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At some point in the night, Fenrys rolled over pulling me up and I crawled up on to the bed and under the covers. I vaguely remembered doing it I was so tired. When I woke up, he was no longer in bed nor holding my hand. Sleeping beside him felt so comfortable and right, like gaining a limb I didn't know I needed. I woke up sporadically to make sure he was still alive.

I found him quickly. He was doing push ups in the center of his room without a shirt.

"What are you doing?" I enunciated each word.

"Push-ups." He didn't stop.

I rolled out of bed and sat crisscross in front of him and rose my brow. He was dying yesterday and now he was doing push-ups as if nothing happened. Stubborn.

He grinned as he came up and winked at me. "Are you feeling better?" I asked.

"A lot better, thank you." He looked at the ground in a shy manner.

He went up and then down and then up again and I spoke, "I talked to Generald and he told me what he said to you."

He stopped, lifted his head and let bangs fall into his face, then he pulled his legs forward and sat crisscross in front of me. "Are you okay?"

I picked at my cuticles and my stomach turned, "What he said about Connall isn't true. We never did anything."

"I know." Without a doubt or judgement in his voice. "Even if you did, that's none of my business and it doesn't make you a filthy whore."

My bottom lip trembled as I looked at the male in front of me, he sometimes felt like a dream. How could he be real. "I bathe now so I guess I'm a clean whore," I had to joke or else I might cry.

He huffed a single laugh and looked at me with warm eyes and a half smile, "you are many things, but you are not a whore."

"What am I?" I dared ask.

"Kya." I never loved my name, but hearing him say it like that, I did. "A respected healer in Terrasen. A possessor of raw magic. A demi-fae. An amazing female. A great singer."

I hummed and smiled, "Is that all?" Say it.

A challenge was in his eyes and I waited for him to give me another title. He cracked his neck and then shrugged, "my friend."

I couldn't contain my laughter. Friend. I thought he was finally about to say it and then he hit me with friend. But, I would take it. He watched me with a wide smile on his face that made his dark eyes light up.

"Well," I stood up and straightened my rumpled clothing. "Since you're feeling so much better, are you up for a run?"

"Hell yeah."

As we ran, I told him what happened with Generald and he understood. He still didn't like the fae male, but he understood why I didn't kill him. Now the male's fate was to be decided by the queen.

We ran up the mountain trail and around the field that connected with the mountains to the royal gardens. When we entered the gardens, panting hard and dripping sweat, a question popped into my mind, "Do you think I should write to Dorian and tell him about me?"

Fenrys took his hair down and put it into a neater bun as he said, "If you want."

I groaned. Of course, I wanted to, I just didn't know what to say. "What do I say?"

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