Coffee Shop Nightmares

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(Alex's POV)

It was just like any other day as I walked into my favorite Starbucks. Nathan smiled from behind the counter. "The ususal?" he asked me, already pulling a grande cup from the rack. I nodded. "You know me so well." I told him in a joking manner. He shook his head, turning his back so that he could find the proper sweetners and whatever else they put into these drinks. I sat down at my usual table, pulling out my laptop. I smiled at the barista as she placed my coffee down in front of me. She smiled back politely. After about an hour of work, and two presentations later, I decided to call it a morning as I packed up my things. I stood up, going to throw out the rest of my now cold coffee when I slammed into someone, the coffee pouring on my clothes as well as his. "I'm so sorry." I told him quickly, trying to avoid slipping in the coffee as I mentally started to panic. "Don't worry about it. This is an old shirt anyways." he told me, helping me clean up the mess I created. I looked up at him for the first time as he offered me his hand. I grabbed it as he pulled me up from the ground. I blushed, realizing I was still staring at him. He was perfect. "I'm Kevin by the way." he told me. I smiled. "Alexandrea, but most people just call me Alex" I told him. "Sorry about the mess Alex." he told me. "Did you just apologize for a mess I created?" I asked him, shaking my head. He smiled, almost shyly. I let it go as I turned to grab my things from the table. we went to say goodbye to each other as he held the door open for me. I stopped and turned to look at him for a moment. "Here." I told him, taking out a pen. I grabbed his hand and wrote my number. I blushed slightly as I left the coffee shop.

"I can't believe I just did that." I told myself as I got into my car. I leaned my head against the window. "He probably thinks I'm desperate or something. What am I talking about? That should be the least of my problems, I'm not even single." I told myself out loud before I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. When I got home, I dreaded going into the house, but eventually I did. when I walked through the front door, Matthew was sitting in the living room watching football with a bunch of his friends. I silently tried to go upstairs, with no such luck. "Hey, how was your work session?" He asked me while his friends glanced at me before going back to the game. "It was fine.." I told him. He got up and followed me upstairs, out of ear shot of his friends. He closed the bedroom door closed and turned to me. "What are you hiding?" He asked me, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "I'm not hiding anything Matt." I replied. I winced as Matt grabbed my arm roughly, pushing me up against the wall. "Who is he?" He asked me with a deadly tone in his voice. "I don't know what your talking about Matt. You know I love you." I told him, pleading with him. He looked at me silently before eventually pulling away from me. I rubbed my arm gently. "Alright, love. I believe you." he told me, kissing me quickly before going back downstairs. I let a few tears fall down my face before I put my thing away, changing into my track suit. I jumped as my phone vibrated against my desk. I pulled it towards me and opened the text message.

🔹Hey Alex, its Kevin. I just wanted to text you before it got to late.🔹

🔸I'm glad you did.🔸

🔹Did you get the coffee stains out of your clothes?🔹

🔸I haven't tried yet. I've been distracted.🔸

🔹Oh. Why is that?🔹

I hesitated slightly wondering if I should tell him about Matt. I don't want to scare him away. I really like him, besides anyone is better than Matt ever since he started to hurt me.

🔸I need to tell you something..🔸

🔹What's that?🔹

🔸I have a boyfriend.🔸


🔸 Yeah. I really like you, I do. 🔸

After sending that message I didn't expect to hear anything back from him so I plugged in my phone before deciding to go back downstairs in order to keep Matt from coming to check up on me again. when I got downstairs, his friends were leaving. I felt my stomach drop, as long as they were here nothing would happen. Matt is the worst when we were alone. "I missed you when you were gone." He told me as he wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you too. we should go do something." I told him, trying to get out of the house. He looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. Go grab your stuff and we will go to get ice cream or something. I smiled as I ran upstairs to grab my coat and phone. I stopped, seeing the message from Kevin's number. I purposefully didn't put his name into my phone in case Matt found it.

🔹 I like you too. I wish you didn't have a boyfriend, but I am willing to be friends if nothing more.🔹

🔸I would like that.🔸

I ran back downstairs and left the house with Matt. When we got to the ice cream shop, I was genuinely excited. "Can I have chocolate?" I asked Matt. He nodded as he went up to the counter to order. I got us a table and looked around. I froze when I seen Kevin. He didn't seem to realize I was there. I sat there nervously until Matt came back. "What's wrong?" He asked in response to my quietness. I saw Kevin look up as I answered Matt. I blushed when I made eye contact with him. "Alex." Matt told me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the shop quickly. "Who were you looking at?!" He demanded. I pulled out of his grip only to have him shove me against the building. "I wasn't looking at anyone." I told him scared of what he would do. "Thats a lie." he spat at me, grabbing a hand full of my hair. "Please Matt. Your hurting me." I begged him. "You should have thought about that before you looked at another man." He told me, digging his hips into mine. "Your mine. You got that?" He hissed at me. I nodded quickly, whimpering as he slammed his lips to mine.

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