Her fear, My threat

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Kevin wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me impossibly closer to him, never breaking the kiss. After a few moments I forced myself to pull away from him, needing to take a breath before I pass out from the lack of oxygen. Kevin leaned his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. I didn't know what I should say to him, so I remained quiet until Kevin decided to speak up. "Alex, you don't know how long I wanted to kiss you." he told me, trailing his fingers across the exposed skin at my lower back. I hummed in response drinking in the feeling of his touch.

"I shouldn't have done it so soon. Matt and I were a thing not but two days ago." I told him. "I don't care about him. I'm glad you did kiss me though." he told me, gently placing his lips back against mine. Before the kiss could get any deeper, the doorbell rang. Kevin hesitantly pulled away from me. He smiled warmly before making his way towards the door. I watched as he fixed his hair quickly before opening the door. I watched quietly from the living-room as he talked to another guy. They looked alike so I figured that they were related somehow. After a few moments, Kevin turned back to me. "Alex, this is my brother Joe." He told me, motioning to the man standing beside him.

I smiled and shook his hand. I blushed as Joe placed a kiss on the back of my hand. "It's nice to meet you Alex." He told me. "You as well." I told him, smiling at his boyish charm. He beamed as he turned back to Kevin. "Mom called an hour ago to remind me about dad's birthday. She is planning on getting everyone together in order to celebrate it as a family this year." he told Kevin, leaning back against the couch. I stayed quiet as the two boys talked about their parents and the plans that were being made for their dad's birthday. I looked between Joe and Kevin, mentally comparing them. By the time that Kevin tried to get my attention again, I had come to the conclusion that they were both extremely attractive in their own right. 

"You alright?" Kevin asked me with a worried expression on his face. "Oh yeah, i'm good. I just zoned out." I told him, smiling. Joe looked between the two of us before a knowing look dawned upon his face. I blushed at his reaction and looked down at my hands, turning my rings around my fingers. "You know what, I'll call you later with the final details. Nick and I will finish it up." Joe told Kevin before excussing himself. I coverd my face embarrased. Kevin just laughed at me. "Who is Nick?" I asked him, once he regained his composure. "He's my little brother." he told me. "How many do you have?" I asked him, jokingly. "Three. I'm the oldest." he told me. I smiled up at him.

The moment was interupted by my cellphone which was ringing in the other room. I broke away from Kevin reluctatnly as I went to answer it. When I picked the phone up off the kitchen table, I froze. "What's wrong?" Kevin asked me. "It's Matt." I told him. "Ignore it." he told me as I let it go to voicemail. Not but seconds later, my phone started to ring again as Matt called back. This continued for ten minutes before Kevin got fed up with the insessent ringing. In order to stop the calls, I answered the phone. "What do you want Matt? Can't you tell I'm ignoring your calls for a reason?" I asked him harshly, getting straight to the point. "Where are you Alexandra?" he asked me, completely ignoring me to begin with. "None of your damn business." I told him. "Alex...don't make me repeate myself." he told me threateningly. I looked over at Kevin. 

(Kevin's POV)

When Alex looked at me, I saw fear in her eyes. I walked over to her and held my hand out for the phone. She placed it in my hands gently. "Listen, leave Alex alone. If you call her again we are going to have a problem." I told him, watching as Alex went into the other room. "Well, well. I should have know she was still with you. I would have figured after I caught her staring at you in the ice cream shop she would have learned her lesson." Matt spat at me. I tensed up. "If you ever lay a finger on her again, I will kill you do you understand me. My friend may have held me back last time but I promise you that he won't next time." I told him harshly. "I would be scared if that didn't come from a boy band wannabe." he told me. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to insult me. "Call again and find out." I told him, hanging up the cellphone. I placed it down on the counter rather hard before going out to check on Alex. 

"What did he want?" she asked me as I found her curled up on the couch. "I don't know. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. He can't do anything to hurt you. I won't let that happen." I told her, feeling protective and a tiny bit possessive over her. She looked so innocent and broken at the moment and I couldn't help but feel angry at what Matt had put her through. "Can we do something today? I don't really want to stay inside all day." Alex asked me with a hopeful look on her face. I couldn't say no to her. "Sure, go and get dressed, we will figure out something." I told her. I smiled at the look of joy that crossed her face. What did she go through to the point where just being able to go out of the house made her extremely happy? 

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