"Are you alright miss?"

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When the door opened, I was expecting to see my mother. Instead, I came face to face with Nick. "Hey, you finally made it. Mom said you were coming." he told me as he hugged me. When he looked at Alex, you could tell that he was a little confused about who she was and what she was doing here. "This is Alex." I told him, making him look back at me. "Hey, I'm Nick, Kevin's younger brother." he told her. "It's nice to meet you Nick." she told him as he shook her hand. "Alex, good to see you again." Joe told her, pushing past Nick to greet the both of us with a hug. Alex looked really uncomfortable now. "Is mom here?" I asked as they let the two of us into the house. Nick nodded. "She is back in the kitchen." he replied. I nodded before turning to Alex. "I'll be right back." I told her, pressing my lips against her cheek gently. 

(Alex's POV)

I watched as Kevin disappeared into the house. It was freaking huge! Who needs this much space for a family six? Well, technically 3 since Joe, Nick and Kevin do not live here. I broke out of my discussion with myself when Nick nudged me gently. "Sorry, what?" I asked him. "You alright? I was asking if you wanted something to drink but you kind of zoned out." he told me. I smiled and nodded. "Yes please, that would be great." I told him, not really wanting to tell him what I was thinking. Talk about awkward. Instead of letting Nick disappear as well, I decided to follow him so that I could get a feel for the house. 

When we went into the kitchen, Kevin was there talking to who I am assuming was his mother. The two of them fell quiet when they noticed me. I laced my fingers together in order to keep myself from displaying my nervous habits to the pair of them. "Alex, this is my mom. Mom this is Alex."  he told us, introducing us for the first time. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Denise." she told me. I nodded and shook her hand. I could tell right away that she was weary of me for some reason. 

"I need to get dinner finished up, why don't you show her around the house while I get everything set in here." she told Kevin without looking back at me. I bit my lower lip as I looked at Nick who handed me a bottle of water. I thanked him quietly before Kevin grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen. When we got out to the living room again, I turned to Kevin. "Maybe I should just go." I told him. "Why?" he asked me, looking kind of upset. "I can tell that, other than Joe, everyone is feeling awkward about me being here. I don't want to cause a scene here but I'm just....I don't want to be that person." I told him. He looked at me with a frown on his face. 

"They just need to get to know you. You have to understand that my mom is used to seeing the three of us with girls that are around because of our money. Let her get to know you so that she can see that you are not like that." he told me. "Alright, but maybe right now isn't the right time. Maybe I should just come around for short periods of time." I told him. After a few moments, he just nodded, knowing that I had already made up my mind about what I wanted to do. 

"Stay and have food with your family. I know that your mom would enjoy it." I told him as he went to grab his coat. "How will you get back?" he asked me. "I can walk. It's nice outside right now and it's not that far away from here." I told him. He looked hesitant for a moment before he finally shook his head. Kevin pulled me close to him before he gently pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer, if it was even possible. I'm not sure how long we were kissing before we heard someone clear their throat. Kevin pulled away from me as we both turned to see his mother standing there. 

"Sorry." I told her, backing away from her son slightly. "It was really nice to meet you Mrs. Jonas but I have to get going." I told her, smiling. "You can stay for dinner if you would like." she told me. "Thanks, but I really do need to get going. " I told her, gently declining her offer. "Alright, maybe some other time then?" she asked. I nodded as I hugged Kevin goodbye. "I'll be there soon." he whispered to me as I walked out of the house. When I heard Kevin push the door shut, I let out the breath that I had been subconsciously holding in. 

As I walked down the sidewalk in the direction of Kevin's place, the wind had started to get a little colder as the sun was beginning to set. I pulled my jacket up around my body a little tighter than before as I tried to fight the wind. "Alex." I heard someone call as I reached the park. I turned around and came face to face with Matt. "Leave me alone." I told him, backing away from him. "Alex, don't be like that." he told me in a condescending tone. I turned my back on him and walked into the large group of people who were on their way home for the night. Matt fell into step beside me, knowing that he couldn't do anything to me in a crowded area. 

"Come home baby." he told me, wrapping his arm around my waist and he pulled me into his side. I quickly shoved him, making him lose his grip on me. Several people stopped to stare at the pair of us as we just continued to walk down the street. "You can't get away Alex. I'm in your head." he told me through gritted teeth. "Leave Matt." I told him, trying to make it seem like I was brave on the outside. As we rounded the corner, the mass of people thinned out to almost none. Matt took this as an opportunity to grab my wrist, causing me to come to a halt.

"You are mine Alexandra. You always will be. The boy band wannabe only feels sorry for you. He doesn't love you and he never will. Not like I do Alexandra. As soon as he thinks you are back on your feet, you can kiss him goodbye. Come home now why you have the chance. I'm only going to ask you once more. Come home with me." he told me as his grip on my wrist got tighter and tighter. I winced in pain, knowing that he was going to leave bruises again. The last ones haven't even completely gone away yet. "No." I told him as tears started to prick at my eyes from the pain from his grasp. Before I even knew what was going on, Matt had his lips against mine as he pulled my body flush against his own. I tried to pull away but his grip was to tight.

 I shut my eyes tightly as I felt his lips moving against my own. All of the hatred and fear that I had for this man seemed to come boiling over as I found myself pinned between him and the wall. "Hey!" someone yelled as I let out a strangled sob. Matt pulled away from me, leaving me leaning against the wall. "Are you alright miss?" a man asked me. I brushed the tears away from my eyes and I thanked the man. "Are you sure you don't need me to call the police? A friend maybe?" he asked me with genuine concern. I shook my head. "No, i'm fine. I'm almost home now." I told him. He nodded as I walked away from him. 

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