Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

Hours. I was sure of it. I had been walking through the forest for what felt like hours. I, of course, couldn't sure if I had actually been walking for hours. I had lost all track of time quite a bit ago. It was so bad that I didn't know if I had been walking for a couple or minutes or a couple of hours. However, I did know that it was long enough for it to start getting dark. The night was quickly chasing after the sun as if it was in a game or never ending tag. Always going back and forth, and never quite catching the sun. How must it feel to be the night? To get so close, yet in the end the sun always slipped out of it's fingers? To know that no matter how hard you tried you would never succeed. It was like I was the night and Louis was the sun. He was my only chance at happiness, but no matter what I would never get him. I was stuck trying to chase happiness, but without Louis there was no point in me even trying. 

I shook my head. I couldn't think about Louis. I was leaving. For good. I was never going back to that town, and I was never going to see Louis again. I could live without happiness. I've done it for my whole life; why should now be any different? My pace slowed down until I was no longer walking. I dipped my head down so I was looking at the ground. Looking but not seeing. It seemed like I couldn't do anything right at the moment. I could look, but I couldn't see. I could touch, but I couldn't feel. It was there was a fog in my head. I didn't quite feel here. I looked up at the trees surrounding me but all I could see were the blurry outlines of the trunks. I couldn't tell where one tree started and where the other ended. 

Wait, where was I? I couldn't be at my house, it didn't look anything like this. At least I was pretty sure that my house didn't have any trees in it? Slowly I became aware of a dull ache in my head. I brought my hand up to massage my head, but before that happened I stopped. I started staring at my hand in wonderment. Inside of my usual tan skin, it turned blue. That didn't make any sense though. My skin couldn't be blue. It wasn't even that cold. Letting my arm hung limply by my side, I looked up at the darken sky. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw little white things floating gracefully in the air. My vision followed one down and I stretched my hand out to catch it. I squinted my eyes trying to focus on what it was. After a couple of minutes I realized what it was. It was a snowflake. I looked around to see that it was indeed snowing. The ground already had a couple of inches already. It was cold enough to snow. How didn't I notice that? Before I could ponder any longer, I started getting dizzy. A black ring was surrounding my vision, and even though I was already not really there, it was getting worse. Now I wasn't even aware that I existed. I was just kind of there. Standing there. The world suddenly turned sideways and my head was on the ground. Darkness took over, and now I wasn't aware of anything. 

Louis' POV

I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. I was at Harry's house and I was going to explain everything to him. Everything. My breath caught when the door open but I didn't see green eyes. No they were hopeful blue eyes. They instantly turned disappointed when they saw it was only me.

"Louis," Niall sighed then bit his lip hopefully again, "Do you know where Harry is?" I tilted my head in confusion. Why would I know where Harry was?

"What do you mean?" I asked him, "Isn't Harry in there?" Niall slowly shook his head while looking at the ground. Alarm bells rang out loudly in my head while I tried to force myself inside the house. "What do you mean he's not in there!?  Niall, you better not be fucking with me! If he's in there, but doesn't want to see me, then I'll leave! Just tell me if he's in there!"

"Louis! Calm the fuck down!" Niall's voice rang out as he let me through. "Harry's not in here! We don't know where he went! Ever since you left Nandos, Liam and I have been looking for him everywhere!" I froze and slowly turned to him.

"Y-you mean he's been missing for 4 hours?" I studdered with my eyes widened. Niall gulped and slowly nodded his head. My hands flew up to my hair and I roughly pulled on it. "Where have you looked!?" I yelled.

Niall took a step back surprised at my sudden volume. He opened his mouth to answer, but the voice that came out wasn't his. It was Liam's. "Everywhere. We looked all over the town for him. The only place we didn't look was the forest. You don't think....?" Liam trailed off thinking. However, I was already on the move. I opened the door and stepped out into the cold wintery weather, but before I could make it any further Liam stopped me. 

"Louis, wait!" He exclaimed while grabbing my arm. "We can't just go! It's freezing outside, and it's getting dark. Besides, we'll never find him by ourselves!" Glaring at Liam, I jerked my arm out of his hold.

"So what are we gonna do? We can't just leave him out there by himself! He'll freeze to death!" I snapped. Liam just shook his head.

"We're not going to just leave in out in the forest to die!" Liam scolded me for being stupid, "But we can't just go out there! None of us are prepared to go out in the woods right now! We would freeze along with Harry!" I looked at the three of us to only realize that Liam was right. Liam and I only had thin sweatshirts one, and Niall didn't even have that. He only had a T-shirt to keep him warm. 

"B-but...We can't wait Liam. Harry needs us right now. What if he dies?" I whimpered out and looked down at my hands. "If he dies it will be all my fault."

"It's not your fault, Louis," Niall said while placing an arm around my shoulders, "besides, we'll be no use to Harry if we freeze before we can get to him." I sighed. They were both right. 

"Fine, what do we need then?" I grumbled. Niall and I both looked at Liam. 

"First, we need some winter gear. If we're gonna be out during the night, then it's gonna be a lot colder then usual. Secondly, we're going to need some flashlights and people. There is no way only three of us will be able to find Harry in there by ourselves!" Liam instructed. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I dialled a familiar number and waited for the person to pick up.

"Hey, what's up mate?" A voice with booming music came over the phone.

"Zayn, I need your help." I said desperately. Zayn paused. Probably wondering what was wrong.

"I'll be right there." 


OK guys. There you go. I don't think it's all that good this time, but oh well. I know it just kinda ends, but I had been planning to do the search and stuff in this chapter, but I decided to just get it out for you guys! I hope you liked it! Oh! yeah, ok guys, I have a tumblr account now! I've had it for awhile but keep on forgetting to tell you! It's RulerOfAllNinjas. I know who would have thought of that!? But yeah, you guys can talk to me on there, you can ask me any type of questions, or anything really! I made it for you guys, so don't be scared to shoot me a message or anything, ok? Question:  Do you feel like this story has made you realize something about your life, or about the world in general? If so, what is it? I'd really like for you guys to answer this! Ok, I love you all, and Have a great day!

~Abby <3

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