Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I raced down the hallway and into the restroom. I slammed a stall shut and quickly locked it. I leaned down against the wall and slide down to the ground. My breathing was coming hard and fast as I pulled my knees up to my chest. He saw it. He saw everything. Louis saw what Steve did to me that night. The night before I was saved. I buried my face into my knees and closed my eyes tightly.

Steve was standing over me with a sicken smile on his face. He had this look in his eyes that brought nothing but terrible, terrible fear into me. I started to take a shakily step away from him but he growled and quickly grabbed a fist full of my curls. He harshly jerked me forward closer to him.

"I should've known. I should've known that you would be a gay faggot." He laughed bitterly in my face. By now my breaths were coming out short and fast; I couldn't think or try to move my body away from him. I was frozen to the spot. How did he find out?! I never told anybody! "Now that I know your little secret let's have some fun, eh?" He tightened the grip on my hair and started bringing me up the stairs to his room. Along the way, he slammed me into the walls and furniture. He kicked his door open and threw me on his bed as if I was a rag doll. I looked up at him with frightened eyes when he locked his door. He turned back around to look at me with a sadistic smile. "Don't be scared, all I'm going to do is give you what you want." He stalked towards me like a lion stalking towards his prey. He grabbed a hold of my shirt and forcibly ripped it off. His eyes raked across my naked upper half, then, with a smirk, he grabbed a hold of my pants and-

"No!" I screamed halting the memory as I clenched onto my hair. I started tugging at it painfully hard while I kept on whispering no over and over and over again. I didn't want to remember. I didn't want to relive what he did to me. I can't relive it. I don't think I would be able to go through it again. It would take away the little bit of humanity that I had left, and then I would be left with nothing. I can't live without nothing. That was the only thing keeping me alive all those years, but even now, as I realize that it would have been better for me to have nothing and just die, I couldn't give it up. I just couldn't.

My eyes started to sting as tears started to gather. I needed to get out of here, and I needed to get out of here fast. I jumped up onto my feet, and, grabbing the shirt the nurse gave me, I quickly fled from the bathroom. I hurried down the halls as fast as I could without running. I didn't need a teacher stopping me and delaying me from leaving the school. I couldn't have the other kids seeing me. They were like dogs, they could sniff out weakness and the next thing you know; you were their next target. I would never make it out of this school if they saw me. It would just be another thing to pull me to the edge. And god knows I only need one thing to pull me completely over, and then I'd break. I'd be torn apart in an instance. Everything I had worked so hard for would be ruined. All the walls I had built up would come crashing down around me. I'd be completely and utterly vulnerable. I'd be completely unprotected from the pain that I had pushed aside for years and who knows what would happen next. All I knew was that all my walls were coming down just because some boy showed up into my life. I hadn't even known him for 5 hours, and I was about to have a major break down because he saw my scars. The scars that I very much deserved. 

I pushed open the doors to the outside. The chilly air hit me before the sunlight even had a chance. I hastily sprinted down the sidewalk and towards my house as my breaths puffed out infront of me. The quicker I got home, the quicker I could calm the fuck down. The quicker I could reinforce my walls and try my best to make sure that I'll never let anyone in. It will be a lot more painful if I did. I would be a huge amount more wounded if they turned on me. No. It wasn't even an if. It was a when. 

When I got to the house, I quickly opened the door and raced upstairs to my room. Locking the door shut, I threw myself onto my bed and curled up into a ball and tried not to think of anything. To keep my mind blank. However, all I could see was Steve's face. His gleeful smile as he did what he did to me. The look of pure enjoyment in his eyes as he-Stop it! God dammit! Stop it, Harry! Stop thinking! Stop remembering. You were always able to do it before! But so much has changed. I was with Anne now, and Louis... I stood up from my head and scurried over to my bathroom. I opened the cabinet and took some sleeping pills out. I didn't want to think and the only way to stop my hyperactive brain was to sleep. I took two pills and dry swallowed them. I lied back down on my bed and waited for them to take effect. With my last few minutes of awareness, I thought about Louis. He was a great guy. He was beautiful and his personalty seemed even better than his looks. However, he could make me break with just one smile. Louis was dangerous. I couldn't let him destroy everything I tried so hard to build. I decided something as my eyelids starting to drop. I needed to stay away from Louis Tomlinson at all costs.


And the plot thickens! Louis is determined to find out what's happening to Harry and Harry is determined to stay far, far away from him! What did you guys think? You got some of a flashback there! I know you guys wanted some! But do not fear! You shall have more later on in the story! Please, comment and tell me what you thought of the flashback and everything! Have a great day and I love you guys!

~Abby <3

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