Sequel! (Update: title is Don't Let Me Go)

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Hello, everybody!

After a long debate with myself, I've decided to make a sequel! I just couldn't stay away. I missed this story too much!

Now, I'm planning for the sequel to be mostly in Louis' POV. Harry's POV might (Probably) be thrown in there sometimes like I did in Please Find Me. Sound good?

Some of you might be worried that Behind the Cracks won't be updated as much or at all but I'm planning on switching back and forth of who I update. So like if I updated every Friday then one Friday would be Behind the Cracks and the next Friday would be the sequel. If you feel like I'm focusing on one story too much then just message me and we'll talk about it! :)

I've got the first part of the story written out already, but be warn that it is small because it is only the prologue! I'll either post it soon or later tonight because I still have to make the cover. I can't work on it all day because I'm going to the mall! Plus, I haven't decided on how long to make you guys wait!

If you have any questions or suggestions please either comment below or send me a PM!

If you don't wanna message me through wattpad then you can reach me via my tumblr:

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