★Chapter Twenty One ★

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"Hey! Guess what? Taco shells were on sale." Henry said as he, Emma, and Alex walked into the room.

"Apparently, tacos? Not a big item in the Enchanted-" The three of them paused, noticing Snow and David in bed.

"What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon." Henry said, and Alex groaned, grabbing Henry's hand.

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest."

"And I needed to... Help her rest."

"Okay, Henry and I are going to go make tacos." Alex said, running into the kitchen. "Let's go make the tacos. We have to make a lot, because there's going to be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight. Did you know that I ate three tacos the other night..." She ranted, continuing until they got into the kitchen. Alex was not ready for Henry's sweet innocence to be over.


"I wasn't worried a bit." Ruby said as the Charming family and Alex walked into Granny's.

"I can tell." Snow said, although everyone knew she was lying.

"Oh, we all missed you." Archie said, hugging them.

The two of them hugged, and Alex and Henry walked to a booth.

"So, they're back." Alex said, smiling.

"Yep." Henry nodded, then turned to look at her. "Lexa... I have a question..."

"Go ahead." Alex shrugged, propping up her head on her hand.

"Why'd you leave your mom?" The question came out so fast that Alex could barely process it.

"I... Henry-"

She was cut off by David making an announcement. "I just wanted to, uh, thank you all for joining us tonight. Mary Margaret and I – we have a saying... That we will always find each other. And, while I believe that with all my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glasses and join me when I say... Here's to not having to look for a while. To Mary Margaret and Emma!"

Everyone clinked their glasses, and all of a sudden Regina entered with a casserole dish. "Sorry I'm late."

Leroy grabbed a knife, causing Alex to stand up quickly. "What is she doing here?"

"I invited her." Emma said, stepping closer to her. Mary Margaret took Emma to the side along with David. "We're celebrating today because of Regina. She helped us get home. No matter what she did in the past, we owe her our thanks now."

"Didn't you think to tell us about it?" Mary Margaret muttered.

"I did, but you two were a little busy this afternoon." Emma muttered back, causing Alex to giggle.

"Emma, she tried to kill us – yesterday!"

"No, she didn't. She's trying to change for Henry. He believes in her. And, right now, that's enough for me. I couldn't have changed if I wasn't given a chance, so... She gets one, too."

Henry walked over to Regina, Alex quickly following as Regina sliced the lasagna she brought. "I'm glad you came." Henry said, and Alex nodded.

"And surprisingly, I am too." She added.

"Me, too." Regina said, smiling softly. She saw Leroy and offered him a piece of lasagna. "Oh, I made a lasagna."

"What's the secret ingredient? Poison?"

"Red pepper flakes. Gives it some kick." Regina said, before turning back to Henry. Eventually time passed. Alex and Henry had yet to talk to each other after the incident, and Regina eventually left.

Rewrite the Stars ★ Henry Mills Where stories live. Discover now