Chapter Seven

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Alex hadn't said a word since it happened. She was currently sitting on the floor of the Sheriff's office, her head in her knees. Her body was shaking, but when Emma and Ruby tried to talk to her, she wouldn't answer.

"Is... Is that what I think it is?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah." Emma replied softly.

"I can't look." Ruby said, turning around and Emma shut the lid of the box.

"You okay?"

"I don't know what I am." Ruby mumbled.

"It's going to be all right. We can figure out what happened now. Ruby, you did good."

"This, is doing good?"

"Yeah. It's amazing. First, you found David, and now, this. I know you say you don't know what you are, but, whatever it is, I got to say, I'm impressed."

"Don't be. I'm... I'm scared out of my mind."

"But you did it anyway."

Eventually, Ruby left, leaving Emma and Alex. "Kid..." Emma said, getting down onto Alex's level. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The girl said hollowly. "Can you drive me home. My stepbrothers supposed to be watching me, and I don't want to keep him waiting." Her tone of voice was almost robotic, and her breathing was ragged.

Emma knew that the situation was hard on Ruby. She didn't deny it. But, seeing Alexa, she was reminded of her age. Even though Alex acted older than she was sometimes... She was still just a 13 year old girl from a broken family.

"Are you sure kid...? Are you absolutely sure?" Alex simply nodded again, standing up slowly.

Emma sighed, asking her the address, before driving her home. When Alex got out, she got out. She sure as hell wasn't going to send Alex in there without an explanation to her family. She knocked on the door, and her stepbrother, Hayden, answered.

"Can I help you, Sheriff?" Her step brother asked, looking down at his sister.

"Is your dad home?"

"No, it's just me... Why?"

"I need to talk with you." She turned to Alex. "Why don't you go inside, while I talk to your brother, kid."

The girl nodded, leaving, and Hayden crossed his arms. "What's this about, Sheriff?"

"Your sister was helping me out on a case this afternoon. She knows the woods better than anyone... But, she found an essential piece to a murder case..."

"What'd she find?" Hayden asked.

"A human heart in a jewlrey box." Emma said softly. Hayden's face fell. Even he felt a twinge of sympathy for Alex. "You see how she is right now... My personal advice, is to see how she is in a few days. If things don't get better... I'd recommend taking her to go see Dr. Hopper."

Hayden nodded, worried about her for once in his life. "I definitely will." He said, nodding. When Emma walked away, Hayden sighed. He actually felt bad for Alex for once...


"I'm fine, Hayden." Alex said for the 50th time in the past three days.

"No, you're not. You haven't gone to school, you haven't eaten anything, you haven't left your room. You're sick, Alex. So, I'm going to listen to the Sheriff and take you to Doctor Hopper."

She rolled her eyes. "Since when do you care anyway?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Look I know I'm a shitty brother, and after this is over, I might go back to hating you. But... you're still my little sister, whether I like it or not. You've been through a lot... Most of it caused by Dad and I."

"I'm not going."

"Yes. You are." And with that he threw her over his shoulder and brought her to his truck. He drove her to Hopper's, Alex protesting the whole time. Then, she looked at the clock and groaned. Henry's session was right before hers. She didn't have the guts to face Henry right now.

Sure enough, as they got there, Henry and Mayor Mills were leaving. "Lexa! Where have you been? You haven't showed up to school... Is everything okay?" He said, running up to her.

"I-I'm fine, Henry..." Henry knew that was a lie. Her hair was in a knotted bun, and she had dark circles around her eyes. It looks like she hadn't slept in days.

"What happened on the case... Emma wouldn't tell me..."

"Nothing happened." She choked out. "It's fine, Henry." Henry was about to say something else, when Doctor Hopper opened the door.

"Alexa, Hayden, you can come in now."

"I'll see you later, Henry." She said, as they walked in. Henry sighed. Something was definitely wrong.

Okay, I have no clue who I should make Hayden be in the Enchanted Forest. Also, Alexa's going talk to Hopper, so that'll be interesting.

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