Chapter Twelve

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"Is that all your stuff?" Henry asked, noticing the stuff in the back seat. He had been turning to check on Alex, who was curled up in the backseat hiding her arm, every few moments.

Emma nodded. "All I need." She said, shrugging.

Henry widened his eyes. "Wait. You want to go now? We're leaving now?"

Emma nodded. "Uh-huh. I'm getting you and Alex out of here. Away from all this. Away from Alex's stepdad. Away from her."

Henry shook his head quickly. "No, no. Stop the car! You can't leave Storybrooke. You have to break the curse."

"No, I don't. I have to help you."

"But you're a hero – you can't run. You have to help everybody."

"Henry, I know it's hard for you to see it, but I'm doing what's best for you... what's best for both you and Alex. That's what you wanted when you brought me to Storybrooke."

"But the curse... You're the only chance to bring back the happy endings."

"Henry..." Suddenly Henry reached over and grabbed the steering wheel. "Henry!" Emma exclaimed. Alex gasped, her eyes filling with tears as Henry caused the car to veer off the road and into a ditch, causing her arm to press against the car wall. "Henry! What were you doing? You could've gotten us killed!" She turned around in her seat. "Alex..." She said, noticing the pain in the girl's eyes. "Deep breaths, kid... it'll be over soon." She said softly, helping her to calm her breathing.

"Please! Please, don't make me go! We can't go! We need to get help for Alex's arm. Everything's here... Me, your parents, your family. Please, Emma. They need you. Your family needs you."


Emma brought Henry back. Then, she brought Alex to the hospital. Alex was to stay overnight, since it was already pretty late, and they weren't sure how long everything could take. Hayden came to stay with her, and also to inform her of something. Their father had been arrested. For now, Hayden was her legal guardian. And, even through the pain, Alex couldn't have been happier.


Laney had never felt more relieved. Through a number of highly complicated circumstances, she had ended up in Wonderland. Wonderland was not as wonderous as its name suggested, though. The only wonderous thing about it was the fact that Laney had made it out alive. Sure, the scenery was something out of a children's storybook, but it was more dangerous than it seemed. It was a wonder that Laney had made it out alive. She had met a man called Jefferson, who was somehow able to travel between the realms through a hat that he had. The man he had brought with him to Wonderland had unfortunately died, and he was searching for someone to accompany him back. So, when they found each other, they were both relieved, and soon made their way out of the horrible place. Laney had thanked the man, and started to make her way to a nearby village. She didn't know it yet, but in that village, she'd find someone who would change her life.


"August is turning back into wood." Henry informed Alex, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. He had come visit her in the hospital, where she had been forced to stay after it was discovered that she was extremely malnourished, had a fractured rib, and also a broken nose. "He said that he's quitting Operation Cobra. That it's up to us now."

"I-I'm sorry if I'm not much h-help." Alex replied softly, her voice barely a whisper.

"Just focus on getting better. I don't blame you... I'm sorry I was so blind to everything that's going on. I was too focused on Operation Cobra to even notice what was happening"

"It's f-fine... you wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway..." She said, shrugging. "D-doctor Whale said th-that in a few hours he'll switch me t-to a mobile IV... maybe we could go for a w-walk or something..." She suggested.

"That'd be fun..." He said, smiling.


Alex was walking through the halls, when a bed rushed through, pushed by doctors. She gasped when she saw Henry, laying lifeless on the bed. Emma noticed her as she ran by, and Alex ran to catch up with her.

"Emma! W-what happened to Henry? Is he going to be okay? Did–"

"I- I don't know! He ate a turnover and then collapsed!" She said, running to catch up with the doctors, as Alex ran after her. Her heartbeat quickened, and her breaths got shallower by the minute as the only person that Alexa Richards truly cared about was slowly slipping away.

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