Operation Waffles

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I heard applauds behind me I turned around to find Danny,Connor,Joe,Layla,Cj, and Tony all with big smiles on their faces.

Oh god....I'm never gonna hear the end of this..this is going to be a long night...



I sat there on my bed listening to their rants and how I could be a popular artist one day and blah blah blah blah.

I kinda just zoned out as everyone around me just told me nonsense. Whenever I used to sing at 'her' house she would always say my songs sucked and Say have the voice of a hyena. I just simply got up from my bed and put my guitar back up into the tippy top and the back of my closet and closed the door. I pushed them out of my room with them all still rambling on. I sighed and then instantly got bored so I laid down and fell asleep.

(Next morning)

I woke up groggily and took a shower I felt happy today. I got dressed in a black shirt that transferred into white light wash skinny jeans and some black boots. Then for accessories I grabbed my glasses and left my contacts out for today and put on a Purple Heart necklace along with a 'good vibes' and my 'I'm allergic to idiots' earrings in my left ear and in my right ear I put in a purple moon and a blue and purple tie-dye ting and yang sing earrings then I put on a bow bracelet and for my phone I put on a notebook case. For make-up I put on some mascara and I put on some eos lip balm and then put that in my zig-zag black and white backpack. I then curled my hair in loose curls. There was exactly 6 days until we left for Florida. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen and made everyone breakfast I mean it was only 7:27 anyways so why not. I was just letting the waffles cook and got bored cause could only make one at a time in the waffle maker so I wondered out into the living room and saw that all the boys were in there which meant Cj,Tony,Danny,Conner, and Joe were all spread out on the couches and floor. I decided to play a prank on them all which meant I was going full on prank mode. I went back into the kitchen and decided on what I was going to do I thought for a little bit and bam I got it. I ran all around the house to get all of the ingredients needed. This wasn't going to be just one little prank it was going to be the best pranks played on these boys.

I taped all of the entryways into the living and every doorway in Danny's room I couldn't help but do an evil villan laugh while extra taping Danny's doorways which that included his bathroom walk in closet and also his door to his balcony. I also put cups of water at the top of every door opening. I crawled under the tape going into the living room and got out everything I had which that included: Honey, A Black Sharpie, Whip cream, 21 full water-ballons, Pam, make-up, fake puke, 10 go-pros, feathers,Rock hard gel, and my favorite 10 cups full of cold water. Now it's time to put Operation Waffles to a go. I put sharpie on Cj's face I drew my wonderful French mustache and wrote 'I love Joe Sugg but he doesn't know it..yet ;)' a crossed his forehead I laughed as I was putting the whip cream over his face. I soon moved onto my next victim which happened to be the oh so lovely Connor Franta. I started off with putting some Rock hard gel in his hair I just got on so creative with it that his hair looked messy. I then started on the most amazing make-up in the world he almost looked like Miranda sings twin brother but with worse make up. I then ended his look by putting on honey as his concealer. I also added as little bit of my feathers I had with me. I had to just leave the living room for a little bit because I couldn't contain my laughter anymore I ran outside so they wouldn't wake up. I walked back inside being content as I possibly could be and moved onto my next victim which was the oh so famous Joe Sugg. I first started on taking his phone away from the side of his face and put in my back pocket also did I mention I took the other boys phones as well because they set alarms and we don't need them waking up 10:00 A.M now do we? No we dont. I took my handy dandy black sharpie and drew a pair of rounded glasses and brushed his hair down in front of his face and the put a lighting bolt on his forehead. Then topped it off with a layer of whipped cream like everywhere on him. Then I moved onto my brother. I painted his nails which I had just found in the living room which was the best color for him. It was Barbie pink. I put on some make-up and smothered his face in cream eyeliner and I saved the best for last. I moved onto Danny and took his phone first. Then since he was laying on his side I puke the fake puke on the side of his face on the floor the put honey in his hair and layered the rest of the whip-cream on his pillow and also put some in my mouth occasionally. I then go a little creative and put some black marker on his face which ended up being an epic smiley face. I then just ended up putting the rest of what I had left on him. Which consisted of me just putting honey,Rock hard gel,feathers,and make-up everywhere on him. I swiftly put the go-pros everywhere in the living room and then they are planted like everywhere else in the house. I put the cups and water balloons at the top of each doorway into the living room and left the door open just a little bit. And sprayed Pam at the bottom of the door way. I then pulled my waffle out of the maker and it was made perfectly I went to Layla's room and woke her up. She got up and made her way to the island and I served her a waffle already made to perfection. I ate my own to while me and her had some girl time. And That's when she asked me.
"Ren?" Layla said looking up at me with those big brown orbs.
"Yea?" I set my fork down and looked at her.
"Can we watch a movie in the living room?" She said lifting her fork from her syrupy plate and pointing it at the closed living room doors.
"The boys are sleeping in there sweetie. We can't." I said grabbing her fork and plate and putting both hers and mine in the sink. When her big doe eyes started to well up with tears I instantly felt bad.
"But we can watch a movie in my room" I said making the tears from her eyes disappear and and bright smile come onto her face.
"Alright come on cutie" I took her hand in mine and we skipped to my room. I opened Danny's laptop and logged into the Netflix account that Danny had. I mean it wasn't that hard to look for. By the way you don't put passwords in your laptop notes. I clicked on Frozen because it the new thing. I let Layla get engrossed into the movie and soon my eyes began to get heavy.
--------------------------- ( About 4 hours later) 11:00 A.m
I woke up to Layla shaking me awake. I open my eyes and protectively wrapped my arms around her and looked around for any signs of danger. Once I had not seen anything I looked at Layla's screen and the credits were playing from Frozen. I clicked out of Frozen and played her Brave. I got up and rubbed my eyes while walking to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and a peach ice tea and skillfully went to check on the boys I took the cups of water down and the water balloons and slid under the little opening of the tape and checked on the boys they were tossing and turning. I slid back under the opening and grabbed the water balloons and cups and put them back on the top of the door. I grabbed my airhorn and made my little arm fit into the small opening of the living room and pressed on the button hard. I heard a chorus of girly screams erupt from the living room.
"Time to get up pretty boys" I laughed at my comment.
I heard a chorus of groans come from the living room also I shut all of the blinds in the living room and turned off all the lights so they couldn't see each other.
"Come on I made waffles" at that I heard a lot of moving. I got out Danny's small camera I put it on record and just let the magic happen. Joe. Joe Sugg was the champ that had took the chance of getting out the living room first. The first thing that came was the tape I heard it breaking so I set the camera in a steady place and waited for it to happen. And the water balloons and the cups came splashing down as he fell on his bum like they say it in the UK. The best part was he still looked like Harry Potter as well All of the boys stood there behind him afraid of something else of coming down on them. While I sat there well more like laying on the floor laughing and clutching my stomach. I was in tears by the time the boys moved. They went to the other exit. I got up and got a closer look at the drenched Joe. I laughed some more and then ran over to the other door. The brave one to go through the tape and that would have to be the one and only makeup/feather/fake puke/I forgot the rest of the stuff he was covered in. It was Danny. I laughed so hard the balloons and the cups came flying down and he did too he fell on his butt too only this time it was funnier because he was covered in honey, makeup and feathers also fake puke. I watched the other boys get out of there. And in Tony's case he tried to jump past the Pam which he didn't succeed I watched it all go down with a camera in my hand. In Connor and Cj's case they both slowly walked past the Pam but then both Joe and Danny pushed them back into the Pam which they fell too. I laughed watching them not realize they all have stuff on there face. Tony looked around and saw they boys. He bursted out in a hysterical laughed I laughed with him. I soon saw all of the boys scrambling to get a mirror which I had also taped up all of the doors besides mine of course. I heard the tape breaking. And waited.
"RENNNNNNN!!" And finally they saw their faces.

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