Minnesota and In Trouble

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They both started to reach for my Nutella and I didn't want to share right now so I spit in it
"Now do you want it?"'I smiled they both took their hands back and I started up the car and started the journey back to Minnesota.
The boys feel asleep about an hour ago and my medicine is getting to me but I want to stay awake so I can get to Minnesota I don't wanna give up. I saw that there was a Starbucks about a mile away I picked up my speed and with every minute my eyes kept on getting heavier and heavier I pulled into the parking lot and noticed that they were still open and it is like 10:30 at night I got out of the car and locked it behind me. I walked in and walked up to the counter I stood there waiting for someone to come and take my order. A boy came out from the back with his apron on he was smiling he genuinely had a nice smile. He looked as if he could be Danny's age, he also had. I took a look at his name tag and noticed his name was Austin. But he made me uneasy. Heck my own BROTHER scared me when I first 2 weeks I was in the hospital.
"Hello how many I help you on this nice evening" Austin said with a smile
"I would like-" I got cut off in mid sentence with Austin in my face
"Your eyes. They are so pretty" he was staring into my eyes. This made me more uneasy about him.
"Yes I know I forgot to put my contacts. Dang it"
"Why would you want to hide them?"
"Because people think I'm a monster for having to different eye colors" I said not looking him in the eyes. I was scared.
"Well I don't think that you are a monster"he said standing straight up
"I think that you are so beautiful"
"Thanks" I said smiling shyly at Austin
"Okay so what will your order be" Austin said showing me that 1,000 dollar smile any girl would fall in love with
"3 iced mochas please" I said smiling politely back a Austin
"Coming right up" Austin turned his back to me and did his works
I sat down in booth and checked my Twitter, I had over 300 mentions I looked at them all and they all had to do with my story and how I got hurt. There was the #FeelBetterRen going around this brought another smile to my face I looked at my notifications and noticed I have over 3,000 followers. Wow. I just scrolled through my tweets until I saw a nasty one.
"Chloe_Carr: @Ren_Jessica-She probably deserved it. I mean just look at her she is unworthy to be in this world. It's pathetic how God thought she would be something in this world. HA! She is a waste of space! #Rendeservedit. "
This brought tears to my eyes I clicked on the hashtag and saw that over 2,000 people thought that I deserved it. This only made me look further into those tweets. I saw a link on one tweet I clicked it and I wish I wouldn't have.
It was a website that had a picture of me in my brothers arms still and I was still wearing what my mom put me in when she kidnapped me, there were tweets below it saying all of these rude comment.
"She probably hurt herself to get attention"
"Stupid bitch"
"Attention seeker"
I couldn't read anymore I exited out of Twitter cleared my history and turned off my phone. Austin was walking over and I wiped the evidence away that I was crying I didn't want this boy around me longer then I had to be around him. But I felt as if I just needed to get to Danny's soon. He set down the coffee and I grabbed one and got up.
"Thank you Austin"
"Yep. Come again soon"
I walked out of the store and basically peed my pants there were two men walking towards me and were wearing all black. They came up to me and smiled. To be polite I smiled back and they walked into the store I waked as fast as I could back to the car. I got in and saw the two men staring out of the window staring at me I started up the car and drive off.
---time skip---- 1 hour later
It was almost 12 am I finally got to me destination with the boys and the last of my coffee. I woke up the boys and made Danny go to his room and Tony to mine. I was laying down on the couch afraid to go to a nightmare so I tried to stay up that didn't work. I feel asleep reading 'The Fault In Our Stars'.
I was watching myself again. I was going to answer the door at Danny's. I started to yell 'DONT ANSWER THAT DOOR!' But the past me was completely oblivious to what I just said. I opened the door and I could see the look of fear cross over my eyes. Russell grabbed me and I screamed just then I saw Danny wonder to the door way and just stand there watching me. The look of fear crossed his face as well. I saw that we locked eyes and I had this desperate look on my face wishing he could have saved me from that mess. Then it was like it was a recording it fast forwarded to when they brought me in the house. I still had a blindfold on my head. Then I was chained up. And just like that it was fast forwarded to just before when she was going to whip me I looked at myself and then I saw her turn and look at me not the one that was chained up on the wall but the one that was watching. Me. I froze.
"I'm coming"
With that she whipped her whip at me.
I woke up to someone shaking me and yelling but all I could see was there mouth moving. It was Tony. I moved my jaw and I could hear him yelling at me.
"Are you okay Ren"
My face was covered in salty tears Tony picked me up and cradled me until my sobbing subsided and I couldn't breath. I tried to calm myself but it wasn't working. Tony was rubbing circles in my back. It was calming me down but couldn't do anything all I could do was let silent tears fall. But I was tired of crying.
"Are you hungry?" I asked Tony while I wiped the rest my tears away.
"Yea" he said looking at me
"Well since its (I looked at the clock) 6:47 I will make breakfast" I said standing up from Tony's lap
I made eggs, bacon and pancakes and it was enough to feed a family of like 20 I saw Cj come out of the hall way groggily and say 'good morning' I wanted to be polite so I said it back.
" I will go get Layla and Cj you guys go ahead and eat"
They responded with a 'okay' and I went to Layla's room first. I walked in and her room had pink walls with toys everywhere I walked around the toys that where in my way to get to Layla's bed. I got to her bed and whispered in her ear.
"Eggs, bacon and pancakes for you out in the kitchen"
She shot up out of bed and raced out of the room. Next was Danny and I felt like playing a prank on him so I went into his closet and grabbed his airhorn and walked up to his bed and laid down with his airhorn in my hand. I kissed his cheek and he smiled I kissed his cheek again and he opened his eyes a little bit. He then put his arm around my waist and brought me closer and let me tell you ever since what happened about a month ago I'm still a little uneasy around guys so that when I decided to put the airhorn right in the air and press the button. Danny let go of me and screamed like a little girl. I ran out of the room laughing my head off. I ran into the kitchen right next to Tony and sat down and started to eat. I threw the airhorn on the couch so I would be caught with it. Danny walked into the kitchen with a smirk on his face I can still recall his face it was priceless. I couldn't help but smile at him while eating a piece of bacon.
"I want Nutella with my pancakes I will be right back" he turned around and ran back to his room. Just then I remembered that I ate his Nutella like over a month ago and I left a little note in there for him to read. I wait in suspense for the yelling to come while I was eating my bacon I couldn't stop giggling
"REN!!!" I laughed as he came out of his room with the little note I left him and an empty Nutella jar.
I shot up and ran around the table with him following me I saw the basement door so I headed for that I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and hid behind the washing machine. I heard his foot steps and he was going into the room I wasn't in. I got bored as I heard the couch cushions being moved. There was a little rock I think it was suppose to be there? In curiosity I pushed it to see if it was a dead rat or anything and it wasn't but when I pushed on it I fell into a little hall way that looked like a little passage that was lighted just a little bit. I was crawling and laughing that the same time but silently so Danny would hear me. I got to the end of the tunnel and I opened up a door and BAM! I was in Cj's room. I stood up and brushed myself off I walked to the kitchen and sat down while I could still hear Danny looking for me in the basement. Tony laughed and then we all laughed. Danny came upstairs with a look of defeat and just when he was going to to open his mouth to say he couldn't find me he saw me and all I could do was laugh. He pouted and sat down while eating his pancakes with no Nutella on them. I sat down and began eating again.
"I'm gonna get you and your going to pay for my Nutella" Danny said staring at me
"ohh your in trouble" Tony said laughing at me while I finished my breakfast with a smile.
Later on that day Danny was following me like a lost puppy. I was getting really annoyed. It turned around and just then he took the chance to start a tickling match which I was the victim of. I couldn't breath I was laughing so hard I even tried to act like him tickling my sides didn't bother me. But I failed miserably. I couldn't stop laugh so when I saw the opportunity to run away I took it. I ran downstairs and ran into a bathroom. I closed the door hoping he wouldn't check here. But he did and when he did he smirked. He pinned my hands above my head and smirked at me. He then began kissing my neck. I didn't want him to win so I slipped out of his grip and ran away but this time I went to Cj's room which he was sleeping in and I opened up the huge painting on the wall and climbed in I could hear him. He grunted and ran out of the room I stayed there for awhile and then climbed out he is gone but I decided to play it safe and run back into the wall.I got to another opening and opened it. IT WAS MY WALK IN CLOSET!!! I got up and ran out of the closet and laid down and fell asleep.
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