The Metal Death Trap

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"Come and eat dinner that me and the boys made" he said pointing behind himself.

"Did you guys wash your hands?" I questioned him raising my eyebrows while I got up from my bed and wiping the dust off of myself. He just simply nodded and walked off to the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen and saw spaghetti on the table and everyone choosing where to sit down. I sat down at the end of the table and severed myself some spaghetti. After dinner I did the dishes and cleaned up the mess in the kitchen because obviously the boys didn't. After I finished up the dishes I got ready for bed. I sighed as I looked up the ceiling hoping for a nightmareless sleep. As I closed my eyes my last thought was "I hope people don't hate me very much there" and with that I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up in a cold sweat breathing heavily. I looked to my left to see it was only 3:43 AM I got out of bed well more like I rolled out of bed and dragged my feet to the bathroom. I turned on the blinding light above the mirror to see my messy and very horrible bed head. I was basically drenched in sweat, so I went into my room and grabbed a entirely new outfit which consisted of: black sweat pants, a grey fleece sweater that has PUNK a crossed the chest in big bold lettering, I kept on my earrings I wore yesterday, and took my watch off and put that on top of my clothes and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair with my favorite coconut shampoo and conditioner and washed my body with the nice scent of White Calla Blossom infused with diamond powder. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel. I got dressed and sprayed myself with perfume, brushed my thick hair,and did some light makeup and I was ready for the day the only problem was that it was only 4:23 am and our flight leaves at 9 , so I had a little less than 5 hours to burn. I went out into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal and scrolled throughout my social medias while eating it. I put my bowl in the sink when I was done eating, and went out into the living room where Joe and Connor were sound asleep on both of the couch so I sat down on the chair. I was still just scrolling through my social medias before I soon got board and started to flip throughout the movie channels. I had found Ratatouille and turned it on. It was my favorite movie when I was just a little kid. After that movie ended it was 7, so I turned off the Tv and got the Airhorn I had hidden in my closet. I first went to the far end of the house where Layla and Cj were currently asleep. I knocked on Cj's door and opened to see that he had everything packed, but he was not awake. I got really close to him poked him once or twice and then pressed down on the button and he responded with the highest girly girl scream I have ever heard he shot up from bed and started to chase me. I ran throughout the house laughing because he couldn't catch me. I ran in Danny's room and pressed the button as held it as long as I could making him scream like a girl. I went into his bathroom and locked the door behind me. They were both pounding on the door. they soon left me taking up another half an hour to get out of the bathroom. I opened the door seeing if anyine was still there and both of them were gone from Danny's room.

"Hello," I yelled aloud coming out of the bathroom slowly incase if anyone tried to jump out on me.

I left the bathroom being super paranoid at everything. I looked at every noise looking in every doorway incase of anyone tried to jump out at me. I made it safely back to my room and grabbing my purse and my bags and walked to the back door. I put my stuff in the trunk of Danny's car and took the keys out of my purse hopping into the drivers seat. I took big heavy breaths and calmed down. I got out of the car and carried my purse in my hand. I walked through the back door and noticed everyone was in the living room. I sat down next to Danny and he wrapped his arm around me. I smiled getting into the random tv show we were watching. We sat around and I hadn't really noticed it, but my brother wasn't here. I got up from where I was sitting and went to go look for him it was 7:30.

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