24/09/2017 4:04PM

246 15 10

24/09/2017 4:04PM

His clothes were now in his wardrobe and the majority of his unpacking was now done. Harry stirred the pan of tomato soup as he waited for it to warm up. His phone that was on the black marble counter started to vibrated. It was a FaceTime from Alex.

"Hey baby." Harry smiled as he saw her.

"Hi." She grinned, "I miss you."

"I miss you too." Harry mumbled, "we've spent the last six months with each other every day, kinda hard not too."

"I can't believe I've only been with you three months, without you for a day seems like those three months were forever."

Harry shrugged, "You can come visit me soon, bring Aryn too."

Alex laughed, "Yeah." She paused a minute, "Do you really think this will work? Long distance?"

"Don't be such a pessimist." He rolled his eyes.

She laughed, "Well it's late, I should go."

"Alright, I'll see you soon."

"Bye, Harry."

The FaceTime call ended and Harry walked towards his sofa, soup and spoon in hand. He looked around his living room. On a unit at the side of the room was a small frame, a picture of him and Alex when they first met at the ice skating rink. In a bigger frame next to it was one of him and Aryn, their collage graduation party.

Harry developed a crush on Aryn when they were younger, it never really left, it developed into what he thinks is love and it wouldn't go, no matter what he done. She had found Niall and he then regretted never telling her, so he tried to move on but it wasn't all that successful.

In another frame was a picture of Harry, Aryn, Liam and Jenna from when they went to the movies about two years ago, they had all changed a lot and he missed them more than anything and it had only been a day.

Harry questioned himself, was it really necessary for him to move halfway across the world and leave everyone behind to chase his dream that was doing perfectly fine in London? Did he have to move to New York to get over his best friend?

No he didn't but sometimes change was good and sometimes it's bad, he just hasn't decided yet which option it was yet.

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