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Waking up I made my way to my bathroom to get ready

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Waking up I made my way to my bathroom to get ready. After getting ready I sent Ricky a quick text saying 'Good morning love'. Running down the stairs with both of my bags I see my Beck cooking while my mom leaned on the kitchen counter drinking coffee and watching him. I could see those sparkles in her eyes and the big smile she had. She really did like him a lot. I smiled looking at the both talk and laugh. "Morning love bugs." My mom looked at me with a big smile walking towards me and kissing my head. "Morning sweetheart." Grabbing a mug from the top counters I filled my cup with hot coffee water. "Morning nana." I looked at Beck confused. Since when did he come up with that?. "Nana?" He smiled, shrugging while stirring the eggs in the pan. "How'd you sleep?" Ask my mom. I mix the coffee and the sugar together looking at my mom. "Good. And you?" I took a sip from my hot coffee walking towards the living room and turning on the tv.

When I was done with breakfast I made my way to school with the happiest mood. We were all meeting at the theater since Miss Jenn texted saying it was an emergency. Walking through the halls, the theater kids were all crowded. I walked past the crowd to see what was happening until I saw the whole theatre ruined. My smile soon turned into a frown. What could have caused all of this? "It's okay. Nobody was hurt. There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and the sprinklers did their job." I looked at everything shocked. Everyone was shocked and hurt. This stage is the stage I've performed for the past two years and now it's just gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to look at them and it was Haze and Nick. They both gave me a small smile. "We're almost done in here, just have to finish up in the faculty room next." One of the fire fighters walked towards Miss Jenn holding a basketball that was half burned. "Some circuits blew in there over the break. Unfortunately, the show cannot go on."

"Fire ripped through half of your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least." I step back for a moment feeling Nick behind me. "Did she just say costume?" All of this was hitting me hard. "Okay. Okay, listen up. Hug your neighbor, take a moment, and let's reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options." Ricky was trying on his phone not even looking at me once. "Nini and Ricky, spread the word. Ricky? Ricky!" I look down feeling the tears form on my eyes. "Huh? Sorry. After school in the cafeteria. Got it."


I answered the phone walking through the halls to meet everyone at the cafeteria. "Sabrina? Sweetheart?" I stopped walking once I heard my mom's worried voice. "What is it Mama?" I looked in the cafeteria not going in yet. "Your dad moved the court day to tomorrow in the morning." Everything seemed to slow down around me. "What?" My eyes landed on the floor shocked. My dad couldn't possibly take me away from my mom could he? I mean he left us to start a new family and now he thinks it's okay to take me away from my mother? "It's okay baby girl. I won't let him take you away from me." I gave her a smile and giggled trying so hard not to cry. She said goodbye and that she would see me at home later. I sat down on the floor leaning against the wall staring down at my hands.

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