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I take one last look at the mirror before running down the stairs smelling the delicious smell of fresh cooked pancakes. I smile at the sight of my mom moving her hips humming to herself while flipping the pancakes. Its been a while since I've seen my mom smile. Ever since my dad wanted a divorce it seemed that everything made her sad but I kept trying on making her smile that she soon realized she didn't need my dad because she has me. My mom finally looked at me getting startled by seeing me there. "Oh honey you scared me." I smile at her walking towards her and kissing her on the cheek. "Morning mom." I grabbed a plate placing a pancake on my plate and sitting down.

"Morning sweetheart. You look very professional for your first day." I mumble a mhm with my mouth full. After a few minutes of her dancing around and me hyping up my beautiful mother. I get up and wash my dishes. I kiss my mom on the cheek grabbing my bag taking out my keys. "Bye mom. I love you." She yells I love you back as soon as I'm out the door. I sing to the songs on the radio making the time pass by and as soon as I knew it I was at school. I walked in the school heading first to my locker to leave my bag.

I had gotten a call earlier today from Carlos who said theirs a new theater teacher and that she wanted me to help with designing costumes and choreography. I didn't mind helping since most of my time was spent in theater. I bumped in or should I say someone bumped into me almost causing me to fall. "I am so so sorry." He had grabbed me by my shoulders holding me steady. "Its ok. It happens." I look up at him meeting brown eyes. I took in his appearance brown curly hair, he had light skin which looked a little bit tan. He has a very sharp jawline, beautiful rosy lips that look soft and a nose that wasn't too small or too big.

I snap out of my trace grabbing both of his hands and placing them down. "Look honestly don't worry about it." I gave him a small smile walking around him to get to my locker. I would be lying if I said he wasn't hot or cute because lord knows he was. Once I put my things in my locker the principal announce for everyone to meet at the gym. When I get to the gym its pretty full and Carlos was looking for me. "Oh great your here." I nod at him sitting next to him. While the principal was giving a speech my eyes kept wanting to close.

Last night I only got at least 4 hours of sleep due to me practicing some new dance moves I learned. Before I knew it Carlos was pulling me with him towards the principal. "Please hold your applauses." The drama teacher pulls out a gun that throws shirts she presses on the button releasing a shirt. "Go, Wildcats!" A boy get hit with the shirt at that moment I look somewhere else. "My name is Ms. Jenn and when I heard that the high school where High School Musical was shot had never staged a production of High School Musical, the musical."

"I was shocked as an actress, inspired as a director, and triggered as a millennial." My eyebrows furrowed at what she said, 'What does she mean by millennial?'. "Auditions are tomorrow after school. This show could change your lives, and I'm saying this as a background dancer from the original movie. Third from the left, back row, red headband, and those are my real teeth. So.." Carlos walk towards Mr. Jenn with me following behind him.

"Oh, and meet your student choreographer, Carlos. You know him as captain of the color guard. I know him as an unpaid, rising star." Mr. Jenn the whispered, "But seriously, I have no budget." I nod wanting to go to my first class. "Also Sabrina who will also be helping with choreography. She is very talent from what I've heard." I smile hearing a group of people scream hearing my name. The school bell rings.

I was now heading to lunch after a small chat with Mr. Jenn about additions tomorrow and that I had to be there to help out. I wasn't mad about it I just wanted to spent time with my mom its all. I was starting to get a little dizzy but I'm guessing it had to do with the lack of sleep. I had already eaten my sandwich in Mr. Jenn's office now I was just going to get fruit. I grab a cup of watermelon thanking the lunch lady. I make my way down the stairs with a small smile on my face. I look around waving at some people that yelled hi to me. Today felt like a good day. You know getting announce to help with the musical. I would kill to be Gabriella but I have so many things going on that I can't really take the responsibility right now. Having to choreograph the dance and then having to design the costume.

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