Chapter 24.

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"So how do I tell Nellie that I can't drop her off to her first day at school because I'm at court with her biological father?" Leo stresses. I place my phone between my ear and shoulder as I listen to him rant.

I was on my break at work, he had called while I was eating.

"Well don't tell her that, just say something important came up at work. She knows your working on something important" I tell him.

"She's about to get crushed"

"She knows you're job"

"And I shouldn't have to not walk her on her first day. She should have me there"

"Uhh I'll be there" I point out. He sighs.

"I know, I'm sorry I-I just" He sighs again.

"It's okay Leo" I chuckle "it's completely understandable, you wanna be there for her"

"Yea, I should be walking her to school but instead I'm trying to get her dad into jail for life"

"I promise you I will take loads of pictures and videos"

"It's not the same" he says and I could tell he was pouting. I chuckle.

"I know it isn't baby. I'm sorry that I have to cut this pout session short but I have to head back to work, not everyone can have a long lunch break" I joke.

"Haha very funny" He says.

"Goodbye Leo" I say in a sing song voice.

"Bye beautiful" he says "love you"

"Love you too" I say back.
I let out a tired sigh as I open the door to the apartment "what are you? Are you reading?" I question my best friend, shocked.

She flips me the bird and I laugh.

"But seriously are you really reading?" I laugh again. She nods.

"I was doing errands and stopped at the book store"

"I never thought I'd see you voluntarily read since we finished school" I comment. She shrugs.

"Alright" I chuckle "I'm gonna go take a shower if Leo and Nellie come by can you ask if she wants dinner now?" I ask Amelia. She nods.

"She staying the night?" She asks.

"Yea" I call from the hall. Amelia doesn't answer so I take that as my cue to keep heading further into my room. I quickly hop into the shower and into a pair of sweatpants and one of Leo's shirts.

"Well we could make shrimp tacos" I hear Amelia say as I walk around the corner towards the kitchen.

"Hey Pretty girl" I smile as I kiss the top of Nellie's head. She smiles at me.

"Leo couldn't stay but he said he'll call you" Amelia tells me. I nod.
"Why do you seem tense?" Amelia laughs as she pours herself coffee into a travel mug.

"I don't know why the yell I'm nervous. She's not my kid" I stress out as I continue to mix the waffle batter.

"Oh but you treat her like one" Amelia sings.

"Her dad is my boyfriend" I glare at my best friend.

"And you two play family so well. I'm heading out, tell Nellie I hope she has a good day" Amelia calls I nod before the door shuts to a close.

"Nells! I hope your brushing your hair!" I yell after her. She mumbles a yelled answer which I hope is a yes. Pouring the batter into the waffle maker I turn back to the fridge to start on her snacks.

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