Chapter 12

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I didn't work for the next couple days so I decided I'd visit Leo at the precinct with some dinner of course, I grabbed Finley some dinner as well because he would be offended if I came for a visit and didn't have anything for him.

"Hey Julie"a few police officers smile at me as I exited the elevator. I say a simple hello back.

"Hey good looking"a voice calls and I turn to see Finley coming out from the hall with a few folders. I roll my eyes.

"Hi Fin"he chuckles as I follow him to him and Leo's conjoined desks.

"Your boyfriend isn't here, he had to respond to a call"He tells me as I throw the take out back gently on Leo's desk.

"How long ago was that?" I ask him as we both sit down.

"An hour or so ago, he should be back soon"

"Well I brought you lunch too so"I tell him as I open the bag and hand him his burrito.

"I love it when you come to visit"He smiles at me, I roll my eyes.

"So easy day for you?" I ask him.

"Yea just desk work, Leo and I have been sitting here for almost five hours until he had to respond to a call"

"I guess it was urgent?" I guessed. He shrugs.

"Maybe, I don't know. I didn't hear the phone call"I nod. The elevator dings and Finley looks over my head "and here he is now"he says. I stand up to see him entering his precinct with a little girl no older then five years old on his hip. He talks to an older officer really quickly before looking over at me. I smile softly. He walks over to me and I smile at the little girl.

"Wanna sit in a spiny chair?" He asks the five year old. She nods slowly and he slowly places her in his chair, he kneels down to eye level "don't go to fast ya? You'll throw up"He smiles, squeezing her arm a bit. She finally smiles as he slowly turns the chair around.

He motions for Finley to come closer "Hey Nellie, this is my best friend Finley"he introduced the two "he's gonna play with you while I go talk to someone alright?" He says, the little girl slowly looks up at Finley and nods.

"I'll be right back"Leo says before standing up. He walks over to me and pulls me away a bit. "I need you to check her"

"Like nurse check her?" I ask him, he nods. "What happened?"

"I answered to my call and it was an abusive household, the mom was dead when we arrived , the dad no where to be seen. She was locked in her room, bruises everywhere"he explains.

"Okay, I'll check her"I nod.

"Hughes"A voice booms, Leo turns around to see Chief Jameson walks over to us, he gives me a gentle smile and I return it. "What's the status"

"Mom dead, dad no where to be seen and I've got a five year old little girl here"He sighs. Chief Jameson sighs.

"Well where's the dad?" He asks.

"I've got people looking but if not I'm gonna call an abp"he tells him. He nods "should I call social services?"Leo asks slowly.

"Let's wait you see where her father is first"Leo nods.

"I asked Julie to check on her to make sure nothings bruised"Leo says, chief Jameson looks at me with a smile.

"Thanks Julie"

"It's no big deal"I say. Chief Jameson excuses himself and we walk back over to Nellie. Leo kneels down to eye level again.

"Hey you, you hungry?" He asks, she slowly nods. "Wanna share a burrito with me? I can never finish them on my own"he teases. "And I need a big girls help"

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