Chapter 1.

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"We've got at least ten injured and 4 critically injured" Camilla, our manger tells us. I look over at Amelia with a slightly scared expression.

"Amelia, Julie your with me Alright"Camilla, the two of us nod. We were the newest and youngest ones starting our ER job.

"I want everyone on their feet and remember, these are our people we'll do what we can do"She says and everyone in the huddle nods. "Dismiss, get your stations ready" everyone disputes.

"Amelia, Julie"She says, we walk over to her. "Just wanted to make sure you'll be okay? This is your first big rush"

"We'll be fine"I assure her looking over at my best friend quickly.

She gives us a small smile "great" The hospital doors swing open and a team of paramedics rush in with a young girl no older then ten.

"Ray!" Camila yells. We each had a person we'd be taking care of. Ray, Zoey and Shay come running out. The ER doors continued to swing open and Camila yelled out for the individual nurses.

"Gear up ladies, this ones ours" Camila tells us as I lean on the counter waiting for the doors to  swing open again. I had yet to see my step brother rushing in and I was hoping he'd be rushing in with my patient. I hear an ambulance and the three of us rush out, our patient was an elder man.

"Status update"Camilla asks once the ambulance doors open. I was mentally sighed as it was indeed my step brother rolling the gurney out of the ambulance.

I listen to Cooper as he tell us this man's status, we rush him into an open ER room "he's flat lining start compressions Julie"Camilla demands, I do as I was demanded.

The man survived thankfully and Camilla stepped aside to let us take over seeing as we were the newest ones.

"Would you rather check his vitals or do paperwork?" Amelia asks. "Why do I even have to ask, go do the paperwork and check on your step brother"

"Love you"I whisper to her as I grab his file and walk out. I say hello to a few of the nurses as I make my way to the front desk. I sit at one of the spinning chairs.

"Hey Julie, stuck doing paperwork?" Camilla asks.

"Yea and I wanted to make sure Cooper was okay"

"I saw him a few minutes ago, he's fine"I nod and sigh.

I look up at the clock behind me and see that it was only five pm. The phone rings and I see Camilla reach for it "Are you kidding me? All of my rooms are full, we can't handle injured from some riot in time square" she says and I look up at her. "What's your time?" She asks.

"Fine"She sighs and hangs up, I quirk an eyebrow "there's some stupid riot on time square and we've got a cop down and a few injured"

"We still have riots?" I question, she shrugs and pushes off the front desk to tell everyone else. I reach up and tighten my ponytail. It's gonna be a long night.
I sat with Amelia by the front desk at around ten pm, sipping our coffee when the ER doors swing open and in steps three cops.

"May we help you?" Amelia asks as I set my coffee down.

"Chief Jameson, one of my men was shot earlier today at the riot. We'd like to see him" The older men presents himself. Amelia looks and me and I shrug.

He was Chief and this was his cop "let me just check if he's stable and awake"Amelia says before standing up. I give her a pleading look and she rushes away.

"Is there anyone else in charge here?" The cop to the Chief's left says annoyed. I restrained myself from giving him a dirty look.

"My manger is assisting a code blue"I tell him. The chief turns to him and gives him a look. The ER doors open and in steps our other manager.

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