Chapter 23.

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"I'm sorry to hear your trip got cut short" Ryan says as I walk down the hall with him, slipping folders into the holders outside of some patients rooms.

I shrug "it is what it is, Leo has some important work stuff" I say.

"That's what you get for dating a cop" Ryan jokes, I roll my eyes. "And when you marry this dude because we all know you will because you two are like puppies in love. You'll soon realize that he's married to his job"

"Are you jealous?" I ask him.

"I'm not jealous" he laughs "I am way older then you, and gay as a matter of fact"

"I'm kidding" I nudge him with a laugh. "And what's wrong about being married to your job. I'm married to mine" I point out.

"Yea but he will always be consumed with his, he's a New York cop. A lot of shit goes wrong in this city"

"What are you two doing? Don't scare the poor girl and question her relationship with a nice young men" Camilla says coming out of a patients room. "And as for you, I could say your the exact opposite Ryan" she says with a smug smile. I laugh.

"I wasn't trying to scare her" Ryan rolls his eyes.

"Sounded like it" Bella says from the nurses station.

Ryan groans and squeezes his eyes before walking off "this is what happens when I'm on a shift with all women" I hear him mumble.

I laugh "don't pay any attention to him dear. We can all see Leo loves you and when it comes to you you'll never be second best" Camille assures me, resting a hand on my bicep.

"It's true!" Bella yells. I laugh.

"Thanks Camille but I was never worried anyways"I shrug "I knew from the beginning that our jobs would be difficult and make our relationship difficult" I say to my manger, she smiles at me.

"You my dear are very smart" she says and I smile. "I hope my daughters turn out like you" she says as we walk down the hall. I laugh.

"Get your sons to join the military" I joke.

"Okay yea, never mind" she says and I smile. She hands me a new file "check on this patient for me please?" I nod, she pats my back before we part ways.

I open the apartment door with the largest sigh, I was exhausted especially because it was my first time back after a week of not going in.

"Oh sorry"I mumble as I see Amelia and Finley with someone else at our dinning table.

"It's okay"Amelia says "Benjamin this is my roommate, Julie Griffin. Jules this is Benjamin my lawyer" she says. Benjamin and I shake hands.

"Hello" I say forcing a friendly smile.

"Hi" he smiles at me.

"I didn't know you were getting a lawyer" I say to my best friend as Benjamin retakes his seat.

"I suggested she get one if she wants to testify" Finley says, leaning back in his seat. His uniform was still on and his arms were crossed, he meant business. I smile and nod. "And plus Bennji is a good friend of mine" Finley smiles a bit.

"Stop calling me that" Benjamin mumbles. Amelia and I chuckle.

"How long have you two been here?" I question the men sitting in front of me.

"Not too long, Benjamin got here an hour ago, I was here for a bit" Finley tells me. I nod.

I appreciated Finley for being so kind and protective of my best friend and I couldn't help but wonder if after all of this the two would actually sit down and figure out their shit because Leo and I both know that they have become friends with benefits and I trusted Finley with Amelia, he wasn't like those other guys she dated in California but she built her walls up and I hoped Finley could knock them down.

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