Chapter 8

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Cole's p.o.v (22)

We've all given up hope. There's just no way to bring the ninja and Kai home. Milly sobs into my chest as I hold her. Wu looks at a picture of the his ninja as Pixal runs inside. "Wu, guys, come quick." She says.

We all take off, a pink portal opened in the courtyard. The two hug each other as Nya, Kai Smith, Jay and Zane come out. Pixal tackles Zane in a hug, he holds her close. "Where's Cole, Lloyd and Zodiac." Garmadon asks.

We all look at the portal as my counterpart runs out, Lloyd follows close behind and Kai flies through just as it closes. I step forward, both groups part. Kai looks at me, Milly runs to hem, jumping into his arms.

Kai holds her close, Milly wraps her arms around his neck. She soon let's go, getting down and Kai, with tears in his eyes, runs at me. I'm balled over, hitting the ground as Kai tackles me.

Kai baries his head in my beck, I hold hem close as Kai sobs in joy. He pulls away, only for to pull hem in for a long over due kiss. Pulling apart, we break away and stand.

Kai's p.o.v (Zodiac)

To say I'm overjoyed is an understatement. I purr in content as Cole holds me to his chest as sensei Garmadon pulls out our realm crystal. "Well, ninja, let's go home." The portal home opens and one by one, we go in. Before I do, I turn to the others, wave and leave.

Later that night, I'm taking a shower when I'm shoved into the wall. Cole nibbles my neck, his hard on flush against my ass. I moan as I lean forward, he slams into me. I gasp as he hits my prostate head on.

Cole leans in, breath at my ear. "I have no condom on, I'm getting you preggers as punishment for being gone for so long." I can't think as he pulls out, slamming home. Backing up, Cole rises a brow but smirks as I lean forward, placing my hands flat on the wall.

"Than punish me, daddy." Cole grabs my hips, setting a brutal pace, one that has my eyes rolling, head falling down. I can only concentrate on the cock that's pounding away at my prostate.

Cole suddenly grabs my arms, I yelp as he hoists me up. Locking my arms behind, I instinctively wrap my legs around his thighs. This position is my favorite as it allows Cole to hit deeper. "Ready love." Cole asks. I nod and yell in pleasure as Cole goes harder and faster than before.

I lose count of how many times I cum, all I know is Cole fucks my guts for three hours straigh. The next morning, I wake to a finger poking at my shoulder. Lifting my head up, Bella there. "We hungry mama." She says.

Smiling, untangling from Cole's arms, I get up and go to the kitchen. Pulling out the pans I need, I start to make breakfast. In the middle of it, Cole sneaks up behind and wraps his arms around me. "That was rude to leave without a kiss." He said.

I smile, turning to give hem one when I feel sick. Bail rising up, I twist to get out his grasp but Cole holds me. "Nah ah, not til I get a ki..." "I'm gonna puke if ya don't....." I retch, Cole pulls me from the stove to the floor just in time as I throw up. He holds me as I puke my guts up, rubbing circles on my back.

Milly calls for Bastian and Gardena as I continue. By now, I've sanked to my knees, throwing up in the trash can while Cole cleans what is on the floor.

The door opens, Bastian and Gardena come in along with mom. I continue to throw up, nothing but acid comes up and it burns. Tears soak my cheeks as it gets painful. Bastian holds his hand over me, a silver light shines.

"When was the last time y'all did it." He asks. Cole kneels beside me, rubbing my back. "Last night when we brought hem home." He said as I'm  finally able to pull back. Cole wrips my eyes, I hum in gratitude.

"It's a few hours, but, Kai, your pregnant again." Bastian said. I look at Cole before lurching forward and retch again. "And, from the looks of things. It's more than twins this time." Gardena said.

I groan as Bastian makes me drink a cup of greenish tea. It settles my stomach enough to where I'm not hacking. Cole picks me up, taking me to our room and lays me on our bed. Kissing my hair, I'm asleep before her even covers me.

Welp, the family just got bigger.

Ninjago: The Fiery Angle (book 2, Sequal of The Fiery Slave)Where stories live. Discover now