Chapter 7

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Kai's p.o.v (Zodiac)

The grip Zane has on my hair forces me to lean back. Lloydis brought in, Grimfax stands to the side. The Blizzard warriors drop Lloyd and Zane stands, throwing me to the side. I get up, the ice weights me down so I can only kneel.

Zane gets to the bottem of the steps, Lloyd's eyes go wide as he recognizes Zane is the ice emperor. "Zane, snap out of it, the scroll has corrupted you." Lloyd pleads.

"My name is not Zane. I am the ice emperor." Zane's growl sends shivers down my spine. Lloyd charges and I can only watch as Zane beats hem to a pulp.

Vex snears as he takes a spear. "Allow me to distroy hem, my emperor." Vex rises the spear. "Take hem to the dungeon." I release the breath I was holding. The warriors go to pick Lloyd up.

"Pet." I perk up as Zane sits back down. "You take hem. But, come right back. I have questions." Zane said. I get up, wings dragging painfully along the ground. Lifting Lloyd, I take hem to the cells.

He comes around, I slide trays under the doors. Kitaru eats if I give the food. Lloyd has a look of longing. "I'm sorry, I'm as much a prisoner as you are. The ice is too heavy for my wings to move, plus cancels our powers." I tell Lloyd.

Kitaru slides his tray back, Lloyd returns his. Taking them, I place them in the kitchen and return to Zane. Kneeling at Zane's feet, I lean on his legs, his fingers thread in my hair. For some reason, he likes the feel of it so I let hem.

"Who was he." Zane speaks, knowing I speak nothing but truth. "His name is Lloyd, ice emperor." Zane has engraved it in me to call hem that. "He is our friend." I say. A tug on my hair has me twisting to look at Zane.

"Who tells the truth." Zane says. "He and you, or Vex." I swallow, I have to choose the next few words carefully. "Me and Lloyd. Vex us deceiving you, my lord. He only wanted you to gain power. I know this, cause I was there." I reach a hand out, Zane leans in.

He touches his forehead to my hand and I project my memory of that day. Pulling away, Zane sits back, grip relaxing. "You speak the truth, but, I need more proof." He says. I rest my head on his leg, eyes slowly closing. Zane combs my hair, I begin humming. Oh how I wish to be free to fly once more. To be in Cole's arms.

To be safe.

A few days later, Lloyd busts in, Grimfax helped hem. A formling named Akita had come a few minutes before. Zane cases Lloyd around as I sit on a ice rock. They end up in front, Zane grabs Lloyd's legs, spinning hem around and throws Lloyd at the steps. Zane processes to freeze Lloyd all but his head, freezing Akita as she tries to attack.

Vex comes in with Blizzard warriors and Zane steps back. "Zane...please." Lloyd gasps. "I told you, there is no Zane." "Do it, master. Finish it." Vex orders, I go to lunge, Zane catches and slams me hard on the floor. My face is in the floor as Zane presses a knee at my shoulder blades.

Vex growls "I'll do it. (He grabs one of the Blizzard Warrior's spears and walks toward Lloyd, gloating.) Hmm, hmm. Some savior you turned out to be. You couldn't defeat the Emperor. You couldn't protect your friends."

Zane goes stiff, I look at hem over my shoulder. "Protect?" He asks. "Yes Zane, you were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." I say.

Zane lifts his knee off me, stepping back. "Protect those who cannot protect themselves." He says slowly and his optics get bright as he closes them. I read his mind and smile as his memories come back.

Vex rises the spear to kill Lloyd but Zane knocks it away. "Vex (He rips the mask off, his true voice heard.) Don't." Zane kicks Vex away and looks at the scepter. He jumps up, smashing it into pieces and the curse lifts off the realm.

The ice from my wings disappears and I take to the air. I'm hooping and hollering with joy. Zane, Lloyd and Akita all watch as I barrel roll and loop de loop as I streach my wings for the first time in three decades.

The other ninja come in and Vex is taken prisoner. Kitaru, Akita and two of the warriors see to his banishment to the far corner of the never realm. At a icefishers village, the leader, Sorla, talks.

"I have consulted the spirits of the Hearth Fire and I have learned of this Ninjago. It is far from here. The leaves of the Traveler's Tree will not have the strength to bear you home." Sorla says, sadly.

Cole steps forth "But I-I can get more! (Elbows Krag.) Right, Krag? (Krag nods excitedly.) You can help me up back the mountain and-and we can—" Sorla cuts hem off.

"It is no use. No amount of leaves will suffice. If we only had something more portent." We all lower our heads. I'll never see Cole and the kids again.

Suddenly, Cole searches himself, bringing a hand around. Sorla, what about this?" He opens his hand and reveals a berry. Sorla smiles, nodding. We all cheer, I more than the others.

Hang on love, babies, mama's coming home

Ninjago: The Fiery Angle (book 2, Sequal of The Fiery Slave)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ