The King Of New York

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"Drink up, boys. And don't ever say I don't give you nothin'. And before you say water is nothing, just ask a fish. In the desert." Jacobi says and then leaves for the kitchen

"Why do people talk?" Finch asks sitting up.

"To prove they're still alive." Daisy says

"Good morning, lady and gentlemen. Oh, would you get a load of these glum mugs. Why, can these really be the same kids who made front page of The New York Sun?" Katherine says entering. Everyone sprang up from where they were sitting.

"Front page of what?" Henry says.

"Let me see!" Daisy says snatching the paper from Katherine, the boys gather around her.

"Well would you look at that! That's me!" Race says pointing to himself.

"Front page and ya' ain't even dead!" JoJo says nudges Race.

"Where's me, where's me?" Romeo says. Daisy finds Jack and her. Smiles wide on their faces, and arms around each other, and fists in the air. She smiles, then Elmer snatches the paper from her.

"Just wait until my old man gets a load of this. I won't be last in line for the tun tonight!" Elmer exclaims

"You got us in the papes?" Davey asks Katherine.

"You got yourselves in the papes." Katherine replies.

"Newsies Stop The World" Elmer says. "Now theres a headline even Elmer could sell."

"Hey, what else you got?" Specs asks her.

"Oh, well, mine's the only story that ran. Pulitzer declared a blackout on strike news, so even I'm shut down now. Hey, I heard they arrested Crutchie. Did they get Jack too?" Katherine asks

"The Delanceys are spreading the story that he took it on the land at the first sight of the cops." Albert states

"Jack don't run from no fight!" Les exclaims.

"Hey, get down, short stuff. I'm just reporting the news." Albert replies.

"For jumpin' Jack's sake, can you stow his curiosity for long enough to drink in the moment?" Race says grabbing onto someone "I'm famous!"

"Yeah, what of it?" Henry asks.

"You stupid or what? You're famous, and the world is you erster" Race says

"your what?" Daisy asks

"your erster. Your erster? Your fancy clam with the pearl inside!" Race explains

"Oyster, Race, Oyster." Daisy states.

"How much does being famous pay?" Henry asks.

"Ya don't need money when you're famous. They gives ya whatever ya want gratis!" Race said

"Such as?" Daisy asks, sitting next to Katherine on a table.

"A pair of new shoes with matchin laces" Race sang.

"A permanent box at the sheepshead races" Romeo followed.

"Pastrami on rye with a sour pickle" Henry sang

"My personal puss on a wooden nickel" Finch followed

"Look at me: I'm the kind of New York!" Race sang "Suddenly I'm respectable starin right at ya lousy with stature"

"Nobbin with all the muckety- mucks, I'm blowin my dough and goin deluxe"

"And there I be! Ain't I pretty?" Race sings.

"It's my city I'm the king of New York!" Race and Henry sing

"A solid gold watch with a chain to twirl it..." JoJo sang

"My very own bed and an indoor toilet..." Les sang

"A barbershop haircut that costs a quarter..." Mush sings

"A regular beat for the star reporter!" Davey sang

"Amscray, punk, They're the king of New York!" Race sang and Daisy looks at Katherine with 'what did i do?' eyes.

"Who'd a'thunk, We're the king of New York." Katherine and Daisy sang together.

"We was sunk, pale, and pitiful" The boys sang as the gathered around the girls.

"Bunch of wet noodles" the girls sang

"Pulitzers poodles" everyone sang

"Almost about to drown in the drink," Les sang

"When they fished us out..." Buttons sang

"and drowned us in ink!" Race sang

"So lets get drunk!" Katherine sang

"Yeah!" The boys shouted.

"Not with liquor. Fame works quicker" Daisy sang

"When you're the king of New York" the girls sang

"I gotta be either dead or dreamin, cause look at that pape with my face beamin. Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it, but i was a star for one whole minute!"

*dance break* Everyone starts to dance in this little way called Tap. The boys take Katherine and Daisy to the front so they can dance. The look at each other and then softly dance.

"ahhh" the boys say. The two girls look at each other and perform a whole dance.

"Look at me: I'm the king of New York!" Everyone sang "Wait and see: This is gonna make both the Delanceys pee in their pants-ies, flashpots are shootin' bright as a sun! I'm one highfallutin son of a gun! I guarantee: though I crapped out, I ain't tapped out! I'm the king of New- Friends may flee. Let 'em ditch 'ya! Snap one pit'cha" Everyone sang

"They're the King of New York" the boys sang

"History! Front page story, Guts and glory, I'm the king of New York!"

"We gotta go find Jack!" Daisy says and runs out the door with Davey following her.

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