The World Will Know

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"Them fire sirens kept me awake all night." Race says

"Sirens is like lullabies to me. The louder they wail, the better the headline. And the better the headline, the better I eat. and the better I eat-" Mush says

"The further away from you i sleep" Race says

"Mornin' everybody, sorry we're late, we had to help our mother with somethin'" Davey said running into Newsies square.

"Oh, they got a mother! I was gonna get me one." Race says

"Whadja do with the one you had?" Daisy says

"He traded her for a box of cigars." Buttons said

"Hey they was Coronas!"Race says charging Buttons.

"We got a father, too." Les says

"Well, ain't we the hoi polloi." Race says sarcastically.

"So, how's everyone doing today?" Les says.

"Ask me after they show us the headline." Romeo says.

"Hey look here it comes!" Les says pointing to the board.

"New newsie price: 60 cents per hundred." Albert says.

"Is that news?" Davey asks

"It is to me!" Daisy says.

"They jacked up the price of papes, ten cents more a'hundred!" Albert says.

"I could eat two days on a dime." Elmer says.

"I'll be sleepin on the streets!" Crutchie says

"You already sleep on the streets." JoJo says.

"In the worse neighborhood." Crutchie responds.

"Hey, what're you all standing around for?" Jack says as he walks up to Daisy and puts an arm around her waist.

"Hey cowboy, get a load of this." Daisy says pointing to the board.

"Like Pulitzer don't make enough already." Romeo adds.

"Papes! Papes for the newsies!" Weisel calls out.

"Relax, it's gotta be a gag." Jack said as he took Daisy's hand and walked towards the stand.

"Jack." Daisy says

"Line up boys." Weisel calls out.

"Good joke Weasel, you got these fellas goin'. We'll take a hundred and be on our way." Jack says and slaps 50 cents on the box.

"A hundred'll cost ya sixty." Weisel says pointing to the sign.

"We ain't payin no sixty." Jack states.

"I really don't want to starve tonight" Daisy says.

"Then make way for someone who will." Weisel says getting in her face.

"Well you bet me and the fellas will hike over the The Journal." Jack says dragging Daisy behind him.

"YEAH!" The Newsies yell.

"Jack." Daisy says. He ignores her.

"Aint work the walk, they hiked up their price, too." Specs says running in.

"Jack!" Daisy exclaims. She starts to realize that every company has changed the price. He ignores her.

"Well then we'll take our business to The Sun." He states.

"Jack! Its no use!" Daisy states.

"All around town. New Day, new price." Weisel states."

"Well, why the jack up?" Jack asks.

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