Jacobi's Deli

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"And here we go?" Jacobi said coming out with two platters of water for the boys. Daisy hops up from a chair and help him.

"A glass of water for you, and one for you, and one for you, and you." Jacobi says.

"Who ordered the seltzer?" Daisy asks.

"Over here!" Albert says as he raises his hand.

"That'll be two cents." Jacobi explains from the other side of the room.

"Two cents for a glass of seltzer? Just gimme a water." he replies

"How did I ever see that coming?" Daisy says with a laugh as she hands him a glass of water.

" I say we launched our strike in the most auspicious manner." Davey says raising a toast. Everyone fell into a confused silence.

"I dunno about that." Mush says.

"But we sure scared the bejeebers outta Weasel!" Daisy says as she walks over to where Jack is sitting and sits down next to him. The boys cheer.

"Did you see the Delanceys? They didnt know which way was up!" Crutchie says

"So what's next?" Jack asks.

"Well now we have to spread the word. Let the rest of the city's Newsies know about the strike." Davey explained.

"You heard the man, lets go out and spread the word!" Jack says standing up on the table and pulling

"I'll take Harlem." Mush says

"Oh, I got Midtown." Race says

"I got the Bronx" JoJo says

"I got the Bowery" Buttons calls out

"Specs you take Queens." Daisy says.

" Tommy Boy, you take the East Side. And who wants Brooklyn?" Jack says. Everyone turns away.

"C'mon guys, Brooklyn? Spot Conlons turf." Daisy says.

"Hey, Finch, you're tellin' me you're scared of Brooklyn." Jack says stepping off of the table, Daisy following.

"I ain't scared a' no turf. Just... y'know, Spot Conlon makes me a little jittery." Finch replies.

"I'll take Brooklyn." Daisy says. Jack ignores her.

"Well whos gonna take Brooklyn?" Jack asks.

"I will!" Daisy exclaims.

"Not without me."


"Fine, Me, you, and Davey'll take Brooklyn!" Jack says.

"Me?" Davey asks.

"Yeah" Jack says.

"No I-" Davey starts.

"Why is everyone so scared of Brooklyn?" Katherine says entering the Deli.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asks

"Asking a Question. Have you got an answer?" She asks.

"Brooklyn is the 6th largest city in the entire world-- you got Brooklyn, you got the motherload." Daisy says

"Say, as someone who works for the New York Sun, you are spendin' an awful lot of time around the World. Whats that about huh? You followin' me?" Jack asks her as he 'flirts with her.

"The only thing I'm following here is a story. Anyways, you kids. A rag-tag gang of ragamuffins want to take on the king makers of New York. Do you think you have a chance?" Katherine says

"Shouldn't you be at the Ballet?" Daisy asks.

"Aw, is the question too difficult? I'll rephrase. Will the richest and most powerful men in New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven't got a nickel to their name?

"Hey, you dont gotta be insultin'. I got a nickel" Crutchie says.

"So I guess you'd say you're a couple of Davids looking to take on a Goliath." She says.

"Uhm, we never said that" Davey says.

"You didn't have to. She did." Daisy says.

"You know, I've read a lot of papes in my day, and i never noted no girl reporters writing the hard news." Jack says

"Wake up to the new century. The game's changing. How about an exclusive interview?" Katherine offered.

"Ain't your beat entertainment?" Jack says

"Oh, this is entertaining. So far." she replies.

"What was the last news story you wrote? Daisy scoffs.

"What's the last strike you organized?" Katherine asks getting up in Daisys face.

"Oh no." Jack says.

"Move over Williams! I think i should handle this!" Romeo says as he hits his chest.

"You think wrong Romeo." Katherine says. He skip/walks over to Jack.

"Hey, how'd she know my name?" He asks.

"I'd say we save any exclusive for a real reporter." Davey says

"Do you see someone else giving you the time of day? ... Well alright alright so im just busting out of the social pages, but you give me the exclusive, let me run with the story, and i promise I'll get you the space."

"Hey, you really think we could be in the papes?" Crutchie asks

"Shut down a paper like The World, and you're gonna make the front page." she says. The boys start to talk.

"You want a story? Be in front of the circulation gate tomorrow mornin' and you'll get one" Jack says

"Oh, and uh, bring a camera. Cause you'll wanna snap a picture of this!" Daisy yells as the boys cheer.

"Lets go boys... and girl! Play outside, I gotta set up for dinner and I gots payin customers what need the tables." Jacobi says.

"Come on! We got Newsies to visit!" Finch says.

"Yeah you wont be shooin' us off when we get our mugs in the pape" Race says as everyone starts to sing.

"And the world will know. We been keepin' score. Either they give us our rights or we gives the a war. We've been down too long, and we paid our dues." everyone sang.

"and the things we do today will be tomorrows news!" Crutchie sings

"and the die is cast, and the torch is passed, and the roar will rise, from the streets below, and our ranks will grow, and grow, and grow, and so the worl will feel the fire and finally know!" they all sang s they cleared the deli.

"C'mon, Les, the folks are waiting." Davey says as Les runs up to him and grabs his hand and they leave.

"So what's your story? Are you selling papers to work your way through art school?" Katherine asks.

"Art School? You're kidding me, right?" Jack says and looks at Daisy.

"But you're an artist! You've got real talent. You should be inside the paper, illustrating, not outside, Hawkin' it." Katherine says and shows him the drawing of Daisy he did at the show.

"See Jack. You are good." Daisy says as she walks up to him to see the drawing but he folds it and puts it away in his back pocket so she wouldn't see it.

"Well maybe thats not what I want." Jack says.

"Aside from all that, Have you always been their leader?" Katherine asks.

"He's the blowhard, Daveys the brains" Daisy says

"Why thank you sweetheart" Jack says putting an arm around her. She sneakily grabs the paper from his pocket.

"I love you, Jack Kelly, But sometimes ya don't think thing through." She says and darts off with the paper.

"Oh lord." He says "You got a name?" he asks

"Katherine... Plumber" she says

"Alright Katherine. Write it good." He says and runs off after Daisy.

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