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Chapter Thirteen ~ Jagged Little Pill.

LAST DAY OF 7TH GRADE, it was finally here, the whole class was sitting in homeroom for the last time before summer break

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LAST DAY OF 7TH GRADE, it was finally here, the whole class was sitting in homeroom for the last time before summer break. Max almost couldn't contain herself sitting on her chair. She wanted to go enjoy her summer as fast as possible, she had a whole bunch of things planned, but right now she was stuck in between the four walls of her classroom listening to Mr. Simpson's farewell speech.

"Well, what can I say, it's been great teaching all of you" he sighs looking over every single one of his students.

Emma's hand rose, "we're gonna miss you too Mr. Simpson, so we made a little present for you"

The last couple of days the class had contributed to making a little goodbye present for their favorite teacher, it was a small animation of all their heads swirling around the screen saying goodbye. Mr. Simpson got a sad smile on his lips, he was really gonna miss this class.

The bell finally rings signifying the last day of their 7th-grade year is over.

"Okay go, clean out your lockers, and have a great safe vacation," Mr. Simpson says, motioning the kids out of the class.

Murmurs off goodbye Mr. Simpson could be heard long after Max had gotten her things and rushed out of the door, she couldn't wait for it to be summer.

Emma, Manny, and Max made their way down the stairs to meet up with JT and Toby to say goodbye. Max was carrying a bunch of stuff from her locker, she didn't even want to imagine how much crap JT had to sort through.

JT spots the girls and runs towards them, "so girls, what are your plans for this momentous eve?"

"Girls night at my place, meaning no boys allowed" Emma spots Sean walking by them and adds, "especially boys named Sean" they gain an uncomfortable eye contact that makes Max shiver.

After the fight, Emma had spoken to Sean making it very clear to him that they were no longer together, which was fair enough, he had pushed her.

Max glares at him from afar just to let him know she wasn't a fan of him either, she could tell Emma was still heartbroken over what had happened, but Max was gonna make sure Emma didn't cry any wasted tears over such an idiot.

Max looks back at JT and Toby, "sorry boys, sucks to suck I guess"

They both have an annoyed look on their faces, this is what happens when the only friends they have are girls, "whatever, we'll just have a boys night, and you're not invited either" Toby smirked and walked away from the girls with JT following him.


The girls were scattered around Emma's room, Liberty had asked if she could join them which none of them had a problem with, she was only annoying when it came to school.

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