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Chapter Eight ~ Coming Of Age.


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QUIZZES IN THE MORNINGS WAS GONNA BE THE DEATH OF MAX. Her, Manny, Emma, and Sean were sitting in homeroom. In about 20 minutes they were gonna have an astronomy quiz, and Emma was freaking out for some reason, even though everyone in the room knew she was the smartest one there.

Max was sitting in her chair reading the newest Thrasher magazine, she was thinking about buying a new skateboard since the one she has is very old and in bad shape from the many times she has fallen on it.

"I found the coolest site yesterday, it shows how the positions of the starts effects your personality" Sean says excitedly, turning around in his chair to look at the three girls.

Max had chosen to let the anger towards him go, ever since the basketball game where Jimmy had pushed him and had gotten him injured. Jimmy did pay for his mistake though, since he was no longer on the basketball team, Jimmy was still angry at Sean, but Max didn't want to get between them. In her opinion they were both immature.

"Yeah it's called astrology" Emma replies with a sassy tone in her voice. Someone has a stick up their butt today Max thought, but chose not to say it out loud, since she didn't want to be the poor victim of the apparent anger Emma had today.

Manny on the other hand was very interested in what Sean's website could tell her about her personality, "Cool I'm a Leo, what does it say about me?" Manny asks looking at Sean's screen.

"Max how many moons of Jupiter" Emma asks annoyed that Manny wouldn't help her with her astronomy quiz anymore.


"And which planet have rings" Emma asks again but gets cut off by Sean and Manny's astrology talk.

"Okay I need your place and date of birth" Sean says typing in Manny's answer.

Emma looks at them annoyed, "Hello the test is on astronomy not astrology" Emma gets ignored once again.

"Dosen't anyone care that we have a science quiz in 15 minutes?" Emma says extremely frustrated.

"Relax Galileo, you'll do fine" Max says sarcastically looking up from her magazine only to meet the eyes of an angry Emma.

"Whatever, I can't think in here, Manny are you coming?" Emma gets up from her chair and looks at Manny with a scary look. Manny gets up and start walking out of class.

Max and Sean look at each other, "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Max whispers to him.

"I heard that" Emma yells from the other side of the room.

Max rolls back to her seat like nothing happened and prepares herself for the quiz she had in no way studied for.


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