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Chapter Nineteen ~ Take My Breath Away

Chapter Nineteen ~ Take My Breath Away

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MS. KWAN HAD KALE STUCK BETWEEN HER FRONT TEETH. Max had been staring at it since the moment she had begun the class, it was the most entertaining thing that had happened all day.

Max was sitting at the back of the class with Manny and JT on either side of her, Manny hadn't been paying attention to the lecture either and had mostly been doodling on her paper throughout the class.

Their teacher had been talking about some 18th-century author for what seemed like forever when Craig walked through the door.

"Hey Ms. Kwan I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Simpson sent me to get the AV cart," Craig says and gestures to something behind Max and Manny.

Ms. Kwan nods her head signaling for him to go get the cart. Max turns towards Manny only to see the girl with the biggest heart eyes staring directly at Craig, Max waves her hand in front of Manny's eyes to gain her attention before Craig comes closer towards them, but nothing happens.

Craig reaches them completely oblivious to Manny's staring. He bends down to get a cord that's stuck under Manny's chair, but when she doesn't move he looks up to find her lost in her own world.

"Manny I need to get that" Craig whispers tugging at the cord. Max blushes from second-hand embarrassment, just very happy it wasn't her.

"Manny" Max hisses directly in her ear, making her snap out of her thoughts.

Craig looks at Max with a confused look in his eyes, "the AV cart behind you, you're on the cord" Craig says again tugging on the cord once again.

Manny's face is completely red with widened eyes, she moves her chair slightly to let Craig get the cord from under her chair. Once he gets the cord he rolls the AV cart out of the classroom.

Max laughs silently to which Manny groans, "someone has a crush" Max nudges Manny with her elbow and wiggles her brows.

"I don't know what to do" Manny groans and puts her face in her hands.

"He obviously likes you, he chose to dance with you at the 80s ball, remember?"

"Well if he likes me why doesn't he ask me out?" she complains, raising her eyebrows at Max.

"Maybe you should ask him out, be a strong-willed woman" Max whispers, trying to look like she was still paying attention to the lecture.

Manny shakes her head, "I can't... you should ask him for me"

It's now Max's turn to shake her head, "no no no no n-"

Manny interrupts her, nodding her head, "yes yes yes yes... please Max just talk to him" she gives Max her best puppy eyes knowing she won't be able to say no.

Max glares at her friend, "fine... but I won't promise anything"

A giant smile settles on Manny's lips, she nods her head again turning to Ms. Kwan to try and catch the last bit of her lesson.

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