Chapter 14

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   I woke up from the ring of the phone, it took me some time to understand where I was, my mind was in a haze for some seconds, then it started clearing up as I drank in my surroundings.
   I glanced on my side, Waleed was sound asleep, I looked at him curiously, this was the first time I was looking at him while he was asleep. He was sleeping on his stomach facing me, his muscular arm stretched upwards, around his head.

  Don't even get me started about his face, it was truly carved by the god. His chiseled jaw, his strong chin with a dimple on it, his greek nose and his dark and broad brows, his long lashes, that covered his intense grey eyes. 

   Even while sleeping, he was able to take away my breath, how can a man be so beautiful, I wondered.

    His brown hairs were scattered on his forehead, I suppressed the urge to push them back from his forehead. If I would do anything like that I would be breaking the bargain we had last night. He had kept his part of the bargain and had stuck to his side of the bed.

    We had a long argument last night before sleep when I had told him to either sleep on the couch or the floor because I was in no way letting him sleep on the bed beside me. Call me a bitch for all you want but I couldn't trust him after his machoism in front of my cousins and friends.

   I know we are married but that doesn't mean I will sleep with him, I don't even know him well, I don't even know what's his favorite color, so blame all you want but I am not having sex with him right away. He might be hot, of course, he is hot, he makes my heart stop every time he looks at me with his sexy smoldering gaze.

    Sex was a big deal for me, I was not going to give my virginity to anyone unless I trusted that person and was sure he will not hurt me ever. If Waleed wanted to claim me, he would have to earn it, because I am not giving it to him just because he was my husband.

   Would I have done the same with Imaad? Frankly, I don't know, I was glad I didn't give in to his advances before our wedding, that son of a bitch was trying to lure me because he knew that there was a chance our wedding could not go through because of their plan.

   They had come up with a perfect plan, I wanted to give them applause. They had hit where it hurt the most, I was the weakness of my family and they could do anything for me, Imaad and his family knew this and they have waited till the wedding day thinking my family would give in, on the last moment to save me from heartbreak and embarrassment and to not ruin the reputation of the family.

    But they won't have expected someone can ruin their plan at the last moment, if not for Waleed's grandfather me and my family would have faced humiliation in the society. I would have never married that greedy shit, no matter what but my family would have to face the consequences that my wedding was called of at the last moment and that my groom had ditched me on the altar.

    It was clear from Waleed's behavior that he likes me, and I couldn't understand how and when he had started liking me, I mean there was not a single thing that had gone well between us since the day we met. We both had never left any stone unturned to hurt the other or get back to the other, and still, all through this, he had developed feelings for me.

   The cell started ringing again and from the ringtone, I recognized it was mine and looked around and found my clutch on the side table, thankfully on my side. I extended my arm and picked the clutch and opened it as I sat up, I remove the cell from inside it and looked at the screen, I smiled reading  Ali's name on the screen. I have forgotten to call him in all the chaos yesterday and I was sure he would be really mad at me.

   "Hey", I whispered slowly as I got up and walked towards the couch afraid that I would disturb Waleed's sleep.

   " Mia you dumbass, you didn't even call me", He cursed as soon as he heard my voice.

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