Monalise and Rafael

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If y'all want, please comment where you're from!!! I would love to know.

"What are you talking about?" I made it a point to not immediately start explaining myself, or else I would look guilty.

I turned around slowly, partially because I need to get my thoughts together, and the other part was because I needed to see his facial expression. I needed to gauge the seriousness of the situation in its entirety before giving too much up.

Of course, to fuck with my senses and all ability to focus, he was shirt-less, and the gym shorts he decided to throw on was riding ridiculously low on his hips. The sun did me no favors either. The sweat on his chest glistened from the light casting into the room. He looked straight out of a movie meant for lonely single women. His face was serious though, reigning in my urges.

"Quindi suonerai stupido per questo ragazzo?"(So, you're going to play dumb for this guy?), he chuckled, humorlessly, while his muscles flexed, "Mona, I am losing my patience. You know exactly what I'm talking about and now you're going to explain."

I could feel the tears build up in the corner of my eyes almost immediately. It wasn't like I had planned to cry to get out of the situation, I just could sense how upset he was with me and how bad I had screwed up. It felt like there was a brick lodged tightly in my throat and no matter how much I tried to swallow; it wouldn't budge.

He sighed, growing more impatient by the second. I understood his frustration, I did. I couldn't forget how I acted when I thought he was cheating on me and now the roles were reversed, and I wasn't giving much insight into the situation.

"Levi is just my friend, Rafael. Nothing more."

He was quick to fire back, "From where?"

I hesitated on my answer, because it was bigger than what he might have originally thought. If I had mentioned that I met him at the art show that I attended, now I'm including my mom in the situation and would also most likely have to reveal that the painting that stared at him when he walked into the closet was gifted to me from Levi.

"You know what? It doesn't matter," He walked past me, just barely brushing my shoulder, to head into the bathroom, "Have your stuff ready, you're leaving in an hour."

It took me awhile to register that he said only I was leaving in an hour and that he didn't include himself. By the time I was ready to ask him about it, the door slammed shut behind him. The shower ran a minute later.


I finished my task of getting the sheets off the bed and setting them in the corner of the room. I moved on to getting all of my stuff packed and moving it downstairs myself. It was heavy but I didn't want Rafael to have to take it down, not while he was so mad at me.

I fixed myself a plate of granola and yogurt and took outside to eat near the pool. The sun was stronger today than yesterday. It felt good, especially because inside was so cold. Everything was serene, and gentle. The kind of peace my mind needed with all that was happening in my life.

There was a knock on the sliding glass door, that had me almost jumping out of my seat. One of Rafael's henchmen was calling me back inside. I gathered my empty bowl, took one last look around, and then reluctantly headed inside.

There were two men waiting for me, "Good morning."

They both nodded at me and then looked at each other. Deciding to give them space for whatever they might have been telepathically communicating, I walked to the kitchen and washed my bowl.

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