Monalise and Rafael

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"My god," he said. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his eyes raked the length of me, "You're beautiful."

I tried not to cringe when he placed his hands on my waist. I tried not to lash out when he pulled me closer into him, showing his possession to all the other men in the room. Rafael was possessive, there was no doubt about it, but I was not a woman willing to be possessed. I craved my freedom like a bird craves the wind, too deeply.

"Why are you so quiet Mona?" My mother hissed from somewhere behind me. Her eyes, I imagined, wide and threatening.

Rafael's deep laugh rumbled through his body down to mine, "I'd prefer it that way, Claire. The less she talks the more she looks submissive."

I rolled my eyes and gently pulled away from him, "I have to use the ladies room." I turned quickly, refusing to meet his cold hazel eyes. Who had turned him into a monster? Who had beaten him until the only thing he knew was coldness?

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, "Don't be long, princess," he angled my face toward him and placed a sloppy kiss on my lips.

I looked up at him briefly, "I won't."

I walked with many drunken eyes following my every step. Men with their wives even had the nerve to break their necks to look at me.

The bathroom was empty besides the attendant who stood next to the sink with towels in her hand. The bathroom had a socializing area completely separate from the actual stalls. The theme was white and coral.

I walked passed the attendant and into the biggest bathroom there was. I walked up to the mirror, admiring myself even more with each step I took. I was strikingly beautiful, there was no denying that. With my mothers Brazilian beauty and my dads Greek looks, I was a stunner. I had light hazel eyes and jet black, wavy hair that fell all the way down to the middle of my back. My cheek bones sat high and my lips were naturally pouty. My sister liked to joke and call me Adriana Lima, except the darker version. My mother was afro Brazilian making me part black.

I sighed and pulled up my deep cut dress. I hadn't wanted to wear it but Rafael insisted. He said that he wanted everyone to envy him.

There was a knock on my bathroom door causing me to jump.

"Um miss," the squeaky voice called out, "someone's at the door looking for you."

I closed my eyes, "Okay! I'll be out in a second."

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands before leaving the bathroom. My mom stood outside with her hands wrapped around her and a look of annoyance on her face.

"Is Rafael summoning me again?" I said while walking past her and into the direction of the ballroom.

I could hear my moms heels click against the floor so I knew she was following me, "You know Monalise, some women would be lucky to have a man who loves them as much as Rafe loves you."

I scoffed, "I can't even go to the lady's room for two minutes without someone coming to get me. That's not love, mom."

My mother stayed quiet while we walked back to my husband and a few of his friends. I hardly got into any of his affairs. All I knew was that he was head of a mafia type organization that dealed with drugs and money. I wasn't allowed to ask questions, so I didn't.

"Mona!" Marco, Rafael's uncle pulled me into his arms and kissed both my cheeks, "How are you, Cara? No bambino's for uncle to spoil yet?"

Rafael pulled me back against him, "Watch it, zio. I'm a man who loves my wife very much."

Ignoring what he said, I answered Marco, "I'm doing well, uncle. And no babies."

Rafael looked down at me, "yet." He kissed the top of my head and continued to socialize with the people there. The rest of the night went like this. Greeting people and many questions about when I'd get pregnant even though we'd only been married for eleven months.

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