Monalise and Rafael

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A soft knock at the door made me sit up from the bed. I got up reluctantly to open it. Georgie was on the other side with a plate of food and a bottled water.

"No thanks." I said, ready to slam the door in his face but his foot shot out stopping the door from closing all the way.

"I know you're mad at the guy but you need to eat." He pushed the door open and let himself in. He set the food down on the nightstand before taking a seat at the end of the bed.

I was still standing with my arms crossed in front of my chest. "I'd rather eat from the trash can than eat that. Did you hear the way he just talked to me?"

He held his hands out and stood from the bed. "You need to calm down, Mona. He's still down there and shouting about it is only going to make it worse."

He was right. I was working myself up over some words when I really needed to be figuring out how to get out of here. This whole thing had gone on far too long and I just wanted out.

I blew out a breath. "I need to get the fuck out of here, Georgie." I lowered my voice so that I was whispering. "How were you able to leave just then?"

He put his hands down and looked away from me. "Mona..." he sighed. "Look, there's a reason you're still here, okay? Trust me, Rafe could have gotten you out within the hour this happened but he needs you to stay here."

"For what?" My voice raised slightly in anger. What the hell could be so dire that I needed to stay captive?

He shushed me and looked past me at the door to make sure no one was there.

"This is ridiculous! What else could he possibly be doing?"

He was about to say something but thought to shut the door before saying it. I kept my eyes on him as he walked to the door and back.

"Look, this is how Rafael can keep you safe right now. He's fighting a war, Mona, for you and everyone who works for him." He ran his hands through his hair. "I mean no offense, but you're only a fraction of his plan. He's not coming to your rescue just yet because he knows you're safe here. If you're out there, all bets are off and anyone can get to you while he's out doing something."

Once he'd said it, I understood it. I really did. Levi was the enemy, and as long as he had me, nothing could happen to me at the hands of anyone else. As insane as he was, he wasn't interested in killing me. It was Rafael he wanted dead.

"You need to look at this from a different view." I looked up at him, wanting him to continue. "You're not exactly chained up to your bed sitting in the dark. You have water, you get to take showers, and you have an entire wardrobe. I mean, the man is even cooking for you."

I walked over to the bed and sat down. I tucked my knees under my chin and wrapped my arms around them. He was right, I wasn't as miserable as I could have been but I was one of those "I'd rather be anywhere but here" situations.

My stomach growled, loudly, reminding me that he'd brought a plate of food needed to build my own fajitas. I could smell the spices of the steak making my mouth water.

He chuckled. "Eat it. It's not poisoned because I saw him eating it himself down there."


"Pensé que era el único al que le gustaba lo dulce en medio de la noche. (I thought I was the only one who got a sweet tooth in the middle of the night)"

I looked up to find Levi coming down the stairs. He had nothing but a pair of black sweatpants on, making me realize just how many tattoos he had. His hair was a mess, I assume from lying down in bed.

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