Monalise and Rafael

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As I laid in bed, waiting for my husband to come upstairs from his cigar session, thoughts of what Levi said plagued my brain.

After he said it was from my dad, I asked him what it was. He refused to tell me over the phone and would only explain to me in person. I couldn't, for the life of me, understand why my dad would give something to Levi to give to me.

I sat up when I heard Rafe's slow, heavy footsteps come up the stairs. The sweet smell from the cigar followed him in as well as a light smell of scotch.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" His voice was deep and raspy from his previous activities.

I frowned when he didn't even look at me.

"I was waiting for you."

He snorted and sat on his side of the bed, once again facing away from me, "For what? I'm not in the mood tonight, Mona."

I rolled my eyes at the obvious lie. He was always in the mood. I could make myself look unappealing and he'd still want me.

I pushed the covers off of me and scooted closer to him. I ran my hands over his shoulder and massaged them.

"I'm not trying to start anything up," I kissed his neck knowing it would throw him off from what I just said, "At least let me give you a massage to show you I'm sorry."

He didn't say anything, but I could see him relax so I continued. There were all types of knots on his shoulders, so I did my best to rub them out. I smiled internally when he let his head fall back. He hardly let me massage him without getting any other ideas, so this was a first.

I kissed both of his shoulder blades lightly, "Lo siento, amo."

He reached back and grabbed my hand. He placed a gentle kiss on my wrist. I knew then that I was forgiven.

"Just know, Mona, I don't like that shit," he turned to face me, "You're not leaving me."

He wrapped his arms around my stomach and nuzzled my neck. His fingers pecked at my sides making me squirm to get away from him.

"Rafael..." I warned.

He looked up at me and smiled innocently. I knew it was anything but. I tried to pull away, but his grip was too tight. I had no choice but to surrender to his tickling attack.


"What are you doing today?"

I turned my head to see Rafael coming towards me. He pecked my forehead and walked past me to go get some coffee.

"I don't know yet. I was thinking of doing some shopping. I do need some new clothes."

He nodded his head.

I watched as he scooped two spoon fulls of sugar into his coffee. I cringed, "That's too much, babe."

He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. He hummed in delight just to piss me off. I smiled and shook my head. It wouldn't be so delightful when he got diabetes because of his habits.

"Are you going with your mom?"

I shook my head and took the last bite of my banana, "She has a luncheon today. Besides, I'm tired of going places with her."

He laughed out loud, showcasing his dimples. Watching him made me smile. This is how it used to be, without the tension, without the jealousy, without the controlling tendencies. We were always so comfortable with each other.

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